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How did things go so horribly wrong for kazutora

An overwhelming feeling of loneliness overcame him, this time his sentence would last up to ten years. Ten years of his youth gone, ten years of being a kid gone, ten years without seeing Y/n Baji.

kazutora released a heavy sigh as he laid on the bed in his cell, the window illuminating the room with its evening light. kazutora seems to always mess things up for everyone, he messed things up for Mikey ,Baji, and y/n who he held dear to his heart. He was supposed to spend the third of November with her and Baji celebrating their birthday together. Now her birthday would remain as a painful reminder of a tragedy.

Everything is his fault

kazutora desperately wanted to cease to exist

But he can't

Not when Baji sacrificed himself and had such hope in his dying moments for him, such a tender gaze baji had in his dying moments. He wouldn't let the fleeting chance Baji gave him go to waste, especially not after what y/n told him.


The day you found out about keisuke's death was the day you stopped seeing kazutora Hanemiya as your best friend. You never thought November 3rd would be the day where you stood in front of your brother's grave, the day was supposed to be wonderful with cake and candles being blown out and keisuke's hand shoving your face into the cake like he does every year as kazutora records the hole ordeal.

Except now you're an only child.

Your mother cried weeping for the loss of her son as she held tightly onto her daughter, she lost her son, her baby, you lost your brother, your other half. Once the funeral service ended Chifuyu followed you to his grave. Gently he laid white Cecilia flowers and cut a slice of cake with a candle on top of it laying it on his grave giving you the other half. Oh god that destroyed you. You didn't really want to eat. In fact, you haven't eaten since the day kei died, but you took the cake and bit into it. You cried as you ate while chifuyu muttered soft words of comfort with a tender hand on your shoulder as he cried. Maybe it was the loss of your brother, the loss of your best friend, and the sad scenery overwhelming you all of a sudden. You tried so hard not to cry throughout the entire day but in the end containing all your emotions was too hard.


The day went by. Still in black clothes, you found yourself in front of Keisuke's grave again. It was ten in the evening. Aimlessly wandering outside so late in the night is dangerous for a girl but you had no more regard for yourself anymore. Only thoughts of how you wished Baji didn't die filled your mind. Why couldn't it have been HIM? No it should have been him instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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𝐀𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧| kazutora Hanemiya Where stories live. Discover now