first day

178 14 13

info: y/l/n: your last name y/n: your name

it was your first day as a junior in highschool, you woke up and decided to put on a cute outfit, some jeans and a cute shirt, some light makeup and walk to school. as you arive at the school, you make your way to the front desk and ask the attendance lady for your scedule for the week. she hands it to you and you study it closeley reconizing most of the reachers except for one, your english teacher, Ms. Wilhemina Venable.

suddenley you hear the first bell ring and you rush to find your first class, english with Ms. Venable. you walk in the class with the rest of the students and find a spot near the back. then a tall woman dressed all in purple holding a black cane walked in. she took her seat at the front of the classrom where her desk was, which had a purple laptop and binder. she greeted the class and talked about her rules "1, you will ONLY refer to me as Ms. Venable. 2. pay attention, i will be twsting you." she had a cold, stern look in her eyes almost as if she looked she was... soulless. she intimitaed you but she was also so... angelic.

"ms. y/l/n, is there something else on your mind other than my class?" shit. she noticed how you were spacing off, thinking about her, her beautiful long red hair and her eyes, oh me god, her eyes. it was like they were so mysterious yet so...mesmorizing. she was so beutiful you could not think straight. you quickly dropped out of your trance. "um, no nothing important, Ms.Venable." "better not be, ms. y/l/n."

Ms. Venable opened her laptop and insructed everyone to get out theirs. "i have emailed you all a link for a text. you are to read it and write a summary on it." you oppened the link and started reading. you were always a fast reader and got through the text quite fast. then you started writing your summary.

just as you finish, Ms. venable anounces that everyone should start packing up their things because the bell is about to ring. you didnt exacty hear her, as you had went off into another daydream about your teacher. Ms. Venable noticed quickly and when the bell rang she asked you to stay after school for dazing off during class. Ms. Venable was strick, but not nessasarly in a bad way, you found it quite attractive. "damnit y/n you cant be feeling like this about your teacher especally your ENGLISH TEACHER" you thought to yourself.

as the rest of your day went on nothing interesting happened except you kept daydreaming and Ms. Venable. she would not get out of your head, but you didnt mind. as the bell rang for school to get out you almost rushed downstairs, but then you realizedyou had detention with Ms. Venable.

when you got to her classroom, her door was shut, so you knocked and waited for answer, "come in" she sounded annoyed. you open the door and and sit at the desk up front, right accross from hers. she told you to go to the libray and find a book, no less than 350 pages. and thats what you did, you found a particular book that caught your eye, Carol. you had seen the movie but never had actually read the book. so you tun to the last page to make sure it met the requirements, and it did, 427 pages. you smiled and went to check your book out.

you came back to the classroom, sat in your seat, and started reading. after maybe 20 minunets, Ms. Venable said, "good book?" "yes, very" you replied. "have you ever seen the movie?" "i have! its one of my favorites actually, whave you seen it?" "i have." "who is your favorite charter, ms venable?" "Abby. you?" "me too, and my favorite actress, Sarah Paulson plays her." "i noticed that you have stickers of some of her perfomances on your laptop, thismorning"
at this point, you were so unimaganbly starstruck that your teacher had knew who your favorite actress was. "yes i do! some of my favorites." "its best you get back to reading." you werent sure in you said something wrong but it seemed like she had revertede to her cold self. you did not wish to upset her so you just went back to reading.

you had lost track of time while reading, it was 5:30 pm. "since you did not finish your reading today, you are to come in tommorow. i expect that you can give me a full summary of the book in a 2 page paper tommorow." "will do, Ms. Venable, have a nice evening!" "you too, y/n." you walked home, thankfullyyour home wasnt too far from you school and you didnt have to worry about picking up your little brother from school as he took the bus home. you got home and fixed you and your brother some dinner, you were like a 3rd parent to him, your parent were always at work, you mom was on a business trip until next week and your dad was never there, you didnt want him to be, you never had a good relationship with your father.

after eating dinner, you took a shower and put your brother sleep. you headed off to your room and decided to call one of your friends because why not. you two stayed up quite late talking and talking. you ended the call as she had to go to sleep but you werent tired. you decided to open your computer and edit your favorite Sarah Paulson charter, Billie Dean Howard, from American Horror Story. you wanted to make a happy edit so off to instagram you went, to find an audio. it took you about 20 minuets but you had eventually found one, and a good quality scenepack. it was about 2 am when you finished your edit but you were satisfyed with the result. and with that you went to sleep.

bjvcfcxyfcr ok so i hoped you people enjoyed this bc it was really fun to write :)) also im trying to publish as much as i can before school starts again and i wont be able to be caught up with school and everything else. i also may or may not be at a 5 day crystal convention with no service when i wrote this but ill publish when i get home ok i think thats all byeeeeeeee ~lex<33

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