Throughout Time

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It was a quiet day in the TARDIS. Quiet days are very rare when you travel through time and space, so the Doctor decided to enjoy it. He was currently flipping channels on the moniter on the control console, trying to find something decent to watch. Earth television was like a hit or miss. It was either really good, or just plain stupid. This was completely unlike television on Hasistrus, a planet about 670,000,000 lightyears from Earth. Television there was rated top best programs in the universe. Now that was TV.
The Doctor had settled in watching an American sitcom "The Big Bang Theory". It was hysterical and surprisingly acurate. Suddenly there was a huge crash and the whole ship shook. " What the...?" There was a blinding flash that filled the room. The Doctor covered his eyes to keep from losing his sight. "What the...?"
The Doctor looked up, startled. "What the....?" He stood gaping at the five teenaged boys standing before him. "Who are you and how did you get on my TARDIS?" A boy wearing a striped shirt and a pair of braces looked up at him nervously. "Um... we're One Direction."

Throughout Time  (Doctor Who and One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now