Chapter Nine

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Niall crawled through the air duct, trying hard not to sneeze. The dust in the air duct was incredibly thick, and it was irritating his nose. He looked ahead of him, but all he could see was Liam's bottom. Behind him, Harry was trying to keep up, and Louis was grumbling at him to move faster, while Zayn, who was last, was mumbling something about his hair getting messed up. Up in the front of the line was the Doctor, who was babbling off about some sort of alien thing. Liam seemed to be interested in what the Doctor was saying and took no notice of the other boys' complaints. Niall continued to hold the sneeze in, deciding that perhaps thinking about something else would help. He thought about food. Chicken, chips, potatoes, cheeseburgers, and hotdogs. Niall was so lost in thought that he forgot he was holding in a sneeze, and as he passed over a grate, he let the sneeze out.


Niall felt the grate under him drop away and suddenly he was falling, falling down into the dark room below.

"Niall!" Harry cried. " Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Niall called up." I guess so."

Louis shouted down, " Gesundhiet!"

"Gee, thanks." Niall responded sarcastically. He looked around the dark room and saw ten screens that seemed to be streaming from different places on the ship.

"Hey guys! Come down here! It's like a security room or something!"

The boys and the Doctor jumped down into the room. 

"It does seem to be sometime of security room." The Doctor said looking about. He walked over to the monitors and scanned them with his sonic screwdriver. Indeed, they were security monitors.

"Look!" interjected Liam. "It's the throneroom. And there's Credila. Does this thing have sound?"

The Doctor played with the controls, and finally turned on the volume. 

"Well" Credila said. "You must find the other boy. Look everywhere. Don't stop until he's found. I need him."

"Credila, " aman spoke up. "We've checked out the bluebox thing. It's a 1960's telephone police box from earth."

"How did it get here?"

"It's that man's ship or something. The one with the boys wearing the ridiculous bow-tie?"

The Doctor cut in. "Bow- ties are cool." He muttered.

"That's quite peculiar." Credila continued."I think I'd like to have a word with this man."

"Oh boy," said Liam. "They'll find out we're gone." 

The Doctor let out a sigh. "I doesn't matter. They have the TARDIS. We can't escape without it. I'm afriad we're stranded."

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