Don't Walk, Run!

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Light trickles into Tree City's skyline as morning comes, a cacophony of chatter following its arrival. Towers bathe in the sunlight as people gather in the train station, excitement buzzing in the air. Friends exchange whispers and yells, hands are slapped away, and curious eyes await a certain cargo.

Liu could see it all from just beyond his window, and honestly? It makes him tense. He keeps Mr. Suitcase close to him, listening to the robot's chittering (although it could just be his gears grinding against each other).

"You gettin' off, sonny?" asks an elderly Lupus.

"Y-Yeah," Liu stammers out, looking away from the mess outside. "Why'd you ask, ma'am?"

The wolf laughs. Well, more like coughs and howls. "I wanted to take yer seat, is all. No need to be so nervous. I don't bite like I used to."

"Oh!" Liu blinks. He rushes to get up, still looking at the woman and giving an awkward chuckle. "I'm not nervous. Well, I am, but—"

The old Lupus cuts him off with another laugh. "Just pullin' yer leg, sonny. I saw you on the news. You're one of them Joggin' Boys, yeah?"

"Running Men, actually."

"Tomato tomato, they're both the same."

"Right..." Liu starts getting out of the train, holding his robot/luggage, but not before getting lost in a sea of people because of course that would happen.

Somehow, though, he could still see the wolf, and the wolf could see him.

"What's yer name, sonny?!" she barks, causing another person to tell her to quiet down.

"Liu!" he shouts back as he's slowly dragged away by fellow passengers. He's out in the station when the woman opens her mouth, probably about to say her name before the train up and goes.

Well, that was interesting...

Liu turns, eyes immediately assaulted by colors and shapes. There's a lot of people at the train station, all from different backgrounds, but mostly they were Pululus. He never did know where they came from. What even are they? He knows they're birds (maybe), but that's it.

Turning away from the crowd, the Bug leaps away, keeping Mr. Suitcase close as he exits the station. If he remembers right, he's heading in the right direction. He just hopes he isn't late. It wouldn't be a good look on his Tribe and his sister.

Quietly, he wonders if she can see him, if she's still around, but he knows it's silly to think of such things.

He starts running down the streets. The buildings around him are tall, but not as tall as those back home. They're definitely grander though, with ornate designs on their columns and colorful billboards. As he's running, he starts to notice more and more people flocking in the direction of the main island. Perhaps they were heading there for the big event?

"Out of the way!"

The warning didn't come quick enough— A blur of brown and blue came crashing at Liu, tumbling into him at high speeds. Fortunately, he managed to hold on to Mr. Suitcase, but faceplants into the cold, smooth cement with a loud "oof".

"Sorry, bud!" A gloved hand grabs Liu and helps him up. He realizes now that the blur's an Erina, one he hopes not to meet again. "Going fast is my whole gig, so..."

"I understand." Okay, Liu doesn't, but he's not about to sit here and ask this guy to explain. Not when he has something important to do. "Anyways, I—"

Before he can finish, the hedgehog speeds off, followed by a little Vul with two tails (was he there before?), and then an angry-looking Ave...

Tree City is weird, Liu thinks. He turns away from the madness before running, clutching Mr. Suitcase close to his chest. Maybe he'll still make it! Hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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