No sleep

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It was was 10:51 Pm on a Wednesday, And Izuku found himself sitting on his bed staring at the picture of him and his mom. It wasn't his whole family ofc, but having a picture of his dad and brother in his dorm would be nothing short of foolish. Especially with the frequent dorms checks becoming  more frequent lately especially with the talk of the traitor being in his class.

Today Izuku has been especially restless, Not having the training to tire him out like usually, With the gym being repaired after another class had a particularly hard training session. Sighing he decided to get up and do some stretches and maybe a small workout in his room,just enough for him to be able to go to sleep.

Just as he started stretching he got a Notification from the class group chat,The one without Ida asking if anybody go to the living room and watch a movie,He looked to see everybody replies.Everybody basically said yes besides Sato who was studying and Mineta who didn't respond,and was probably at therapy still.

He was hesitant about saying no,but he recently just fixed up his sleep schedule and decided it was better to get out the energy then go to bed.As it wasn't best to mess it up by staying up till 3 am likely why usually do.

As he was stretching he heard a small tap on his window,Confused he turn to see what was going on. "Wtf, "he thought, as he turned to see to teary-eyed cat his door."I just can't leave it there but cats aren't allowed at the dorms" He thought as he let it in. Even though he liked cats he had no idea how to take care of them, But knowing who would he began to call Denki.
(Also the pictures and characters aren't mine)

I hear a phone ringing, So I hurry and gets it before it wakes anybody up.The whole class besides Sato and Izuku is here sleeping ,Even Mineta  joined but he came in 20 minutes late.When I get up  I go look at the phone bin ,that we use and see it's my phone,Even though me and Kiri got the same phone,and started off as the same case.We got different kick screens making it easy to tell or-less both of them is dead.As I answer the call I hear Mido voice asking me to come to his room.

As Denki makes his way to Izuku's room the closer he gets he starts to hear a cat meowing, He honestly tries to blame it on lack of sleep, but the closer he gets the more clearly he can hear it.
As he opens Izuku ,his eyes widen as he finds out where he heard the cat from.He quickly sleeps inside and shut the door,before asking "Excuse me if this is rude but Why do you have a whole cat in your room?!"

Trying to lighten up the mood Izuku says "Would you rather it be part of a cat? Denki almost chokes on air, "What?!" Izuku realizes what he said and summers "Omg sorry it was a joke- a bad joke omg that sounded bad-"
A sharp meow stops him from talking, Izuku and Denki both look at the cat, "Oh right the cat" Denki says, Btw "Why did you ask me to come"
"I need help taking care of the cat" Izuku replies
"YOU'RE KEEPING IT?!?!"Denki gasp, "Yes" Izuku replies a little shaken from the sudden yelling, "Well then I guess we need to go get supplies for it tmr ,seeming 1:15 in the morning I think I'm going to go to bed" Goodnight Izuku and maybe go get it some milk from the fridge tosst it tonight".

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