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                            Chapter 1

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                            Chapter 1

  Your heavy eyelids start to flutter open as you regain consciousness and strength in your tired body. As you open your e/c eyes, they are almost immediately met with a pair of grey ones staring back at you. They quickly looked away once they realized you were awake. After a few seconds your brain then finally registered who owned the pair of grey orbs that were once glancing at you.

  "Morning Berty," you struggled to say as you begin to prop yourself up on your elbows still laying down in your twin sized bed, not really having the motivation to get up quite yet.
"Yes, goodmorning Y/n" Bertholdt said quickly as he was folding some of your clothes at the foot of your bed, and loading the folded clothes in a blue suitcase.

"Do you have any clue what time it is?"

"Well, no sense I didn't have my phone's obnoxious alarm with me. But who needs an alarm when your staring can easily shake me out of my sleep."

  You said teasingly, but also leaving a slight hint of annoyance in your tone. You were wishing to get a few more minutes of sleep before you had to go on that 5 hour drive. You weren't really looking forward to sitting in your mom's car, all cramped up with mountains of boxes, and suitcases piling over you. You knew the ride wasn't going to be comfy nor fun, but the sooner we leave, the sooner the long awaited car ride will end.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you I'm really, really sorry!" He said while frantically waving his hands in front of him, the light dust of pink spreading across his cheek and nose area then turned into a harsher shade of red as he felt you staring at the nervous wreck in front of you. Right then and there, he wanted to curl up into a ball and dissapear.

  "It's alright, really." You chuckled a little thinking about how nervous Bertholdt gets around you.


  Like that one time you went to the fair with him, Annie, and Reiner. You have been waiting in line to go on the farris wheel for a while, and it was finally time for all 4 of us to head onto one of the cars. You were really excited and pulled all of your friends hands to get on the ride.

Annie had the same monotone face as she always does, her eyes still widened out of surprise as a little smile crept onto her lips.
Reiner was a bit startled by the sudden movement. He yelped, trying not to drop the food and candy we had gotten. Our parents were busy going on one of the big rollercoasters, so they couldn't hold our food for us.
  I was holding a pink cat plushie that Annie had won for me at one of the prize booths.

  It was relatively large, considering it was almost as tall as me, maybe the same height as Annie. I still have it in my room to this day.
As you pulled all of you friends onto the ride you glanced over to Bertholdt and you saw beads of sweat start to form onto the side of his face. The sweat glistened in the moonlight so it was easy to notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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