Part five

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Anna's POV:

TW: bulimia//puke//eating disorder//anxiety//depression!

After getting ready I hear a honk outside, I knew it was Ethan.

The cliché of this whole situations is unexpectedly very uncertain.

It fills me with anxiety due to being out of the ordinary for me. Normally my life is the definition of ordinary... besides my complicated past, which by the way is all a lie. It's all a lie I tell myself and others to guarantee I can sleep at night.

I quickly finished touching up my makeup before brushing my teeth to wipe the smell of puke from my mouth and race downstairs.

As I got into the passenger seat of Ethan's overpriced white Jeep, them scent of cologne and skanky perfume filled my nose.

I rolled my eyes at the familiar scent knowing Chloe was in the back seat.

"Ready for a great night?" Ethan said looking at me from the drivers seat with a smirk.

"Definitely" I replied turning to him with a smile.

As we drove to the unfamiliar spoiled rich kid lake house, it was completely silent, I mean besides the slight sound of Ethan's music at a low volume and his brother sucking off chloes face.

I feel the anxiety kick in.

Say something.


They'll think you're awkward.

Oh my good what do I say?

Why's this so awkward?

I begin to pick at the skin surrounding my finger nails.

Without even noticing I begin humming the tune of the song currently playing from Ethan's playlist.

Ethan turns up the music from his sterling wheel and grabs my hand.

He acts as of my hand is his microphone and begins to sing the song off key of course.

The rest of the car ride consisted of Ethan's awful singing, my laughter and chloes whining while gray 'comforts' her.

Whatever. They're honestly perfect for eachother.

As we pull up to the lake house party it's the typical party scene, loud hip hop music can be heard from the drive way, people can be seen through the windows. A ton of people.

As the four of us enter the house the scent of alcohol and sweat fills our nostrils.

Ethan drags me straight into the kitchen.

"Want a drink?" He asked with a smirk standing at the beautiful marble island in the slightly crowded kitchen.

"I'm okay, not much of a drinker" I say while gently moving my hair behind my shoulders due to the slight heat in this house.

"Anna come on, we have to be all over eachother all night. Just one." He demands.

"Alright fine but just one, nothing strong." I say firmly while raising my eyebrow.

He smirks and pours me a cup of Malibu with some orange juice and sprite, basically just punch.

"Here's to making bitches jealous" Ethan says with a chuckle.

"Cheers" we say in unison While giggling.

Ethan sips his twisted tea while I sip my drink.

"Alright let's go dance" Ethan says smirking, grabbing my arm gently, and dragging me to the living room.

Tonight's gonna be fun. As long as everything goes according to plan.

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