A Plea!

18 5 2

Hey Nature! Please be humane,
I request thou to forgive me,
Although there is a little assurance,
That I will stop my lousy, wicked deeds.

Take the curse that befalls my tribe,
Away you know, we're not that unkind,
It's just our desires on which we dwell,
After all, it's not that selfish to think about oneself,

Alright now don't be so revengous,
It's a horrible sin our wise men taught us,
Although we'll kill the ravenous lion out there,
You know, just for the sake of safety purposes,

To make it clear you can't stay on our land,
And our axes WILL chop you down for that,
So what if it was yours millions of years back?
By hook or by crook, it was our forefathers who won the match!

You see! We're all weary of staying indoors,
When those animals can still ply up and down the roads,
And it feels so surreal to know that,
The scenario was so opposite a few months ago!

Now, that you're flourishing on our land,
Isn't it a bit weary for us both,
All your hard work will be in vain soon,
To cover up our industrialization losses will have to lead to your doom.

No! You can't call us that bad after all,
We give you land, we sow the seeds and we help you in dispersal also,
But care isn't really a part of our protocol,
Also, you're too supreme and self-dependent we thought.

So please now, it ain't all our fault,
You can't blame us when the rains fail or when the sun's too hot,
You know we're good so please be humane,
We serve the mankind, isn't that the greatest service?


Postscript- So that's an ironic poem to mock the humankind. I wrote it last year when Covid-19 was at its peak. It talks about the situation of those times and prays nature to take the befallen curse away in a very sarcastic way and also reminds us that it is ALL OUR FAULT!

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