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How did it all change so fast?

The world kicked in so new and fresh,

And a feeling like never before!

Butterflies in the stomach, mood swings, and emotions galore!

My canvas new, so glistening and white,

Ready to be painted with the hues of my life,

And the palette so full of new shades to varnish it right!

One stroke and the people came so new,

Another and the old ones I no longer knew,

A third and we were head over heels to curse,

New terms to cloth up and it was much fun,

A fourth and we were reckless, invincible and fearless,

Hankering over things, a fictional world to live in,

Gossiping and bantering, everyone ready to fit in.

The fine line between wrong and right erased,

Spoiled was my painting with a splash of wrong shade,

But it was life, not supposed to be fun always!

The gaudy spirit drowned in self-righteous rage,

Trouble and troublemakers on both ends of the line,

The only thing inevitable were frays and fights,

We weren't invincible, we realized as we broke,

Who was real, we couldn't make out anymore!

But then someone added a new stroke to tell me that all could be right,

And once again I set a foot on with a smile,

Infatuation or love, our hearts flying like doves,

Passions and bonds, getting so strong!

Contrasting hues entangled, creativity a boon,

It felt so magical, just like a dream,

Some fictional love story that gleamed,

With passionate hugs and kisses all over,

Envy, desperation, and doubts did hover,

Oh! And mind conflicts and change of opinions,

And once again the dream broke!

Heartbreaks and disappointments made our spines shiver,

They said first love wasn't meant to be forever!

Alone in my dark corner I sat wistfully waiting,

Hoping for someone with a lighted candle to step in,

For the "so-called-friends" to help me heal,

But they were too busy to take the lead,

So gathering myself I stood up and re held the brush in all force,

Giving the faded colors a rejuvenating stroke,

And more wise and careful, I set ahead this time,

To connect me to the old ones of my life,

And with one last deciding stroke,

I finished the painting in all its glow,

The journey tedious, the destination obvious,

And yet all felt so light and new!

It was a turbulent, emotional, enthusiastic, and nostalgic phase,

Perhaps that's why it's called the TEEN-AGE!


Postscript- A truly random and heartfelt description of teenage!

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