Chapter 8

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Diamonds POV:



"Don't you think this Deshae guy is a bit weird?"

"'s like he has no feelings at all,"

"Ahlie that's what I was thinking,"

"What ever it's not our business though we better not get involved unless we want our arses to end up like them stupid yutes in horror movies."

"True that."

Somebody knocked at the door interrupting our conversation. Elijah poked his head round the door. "Boss wanted to speak to you two",he grinned at us.

"Okay cool,"

"Chile he meant right now,"

"Yeah yeah we know,"

"I am now washing my hands of this." While doing the most, then proceeding to sprint out the room.

"These boys are too much." Sapph said out loud. I simply nodded in agreement before continuing to stare at the ceiling. As I had been doing for the past 45 minutes in silence.

30 minutes later...

I finally broke my staring contest with the ceiling and looked over to Sapphire. "Why do I feel like we're forgetting something bare important..."

We both looked at each other realising at the same time.

"Fuck! The meeting!"

I guess you really don't realise how much time passes when you're staring at the wall.

Scrambling out of bed, we rushed out the door and raced down the hallway with the guards posted there giving us knowing looks. Finally getting to the office door we were panting and all over the place.

"We gotta walk in there like we didn't just run a 100km marathon, k?"

"Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool."

"Babes you can't be quoting Brooklyn 99 in a situation like this,"

"Alright fine we got this bitch,"

"Damn straight we do," I said while doing our handshake.

"Aight let's go."

We opened the door to be met by the faces of at lease 6 men glaring at us.

"Hey y'alllll how y'all's doingggg..."

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