Chapter 9

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Diamonds POV:

"Sooo...hehe what are you man talking about?"

I looked around the room to see that no one had reacted or even bothered to try and answer Sapph's question.

"Hey! My bestie asked a question and I expect it to be answered."

Sapph held out her hand behind her back and I secretly slapped it, our way of being grateful for having each other's back.

Dad cleared his throat and seemed to try and cover it up with a chuckle. Smirking, I noticed a bruise and decided to ask him about it later; even though I already knew it was from mum whooping his arse.

"I knew this would happen with you two so I'm not even mad. But the reason I called you here is because I have to ask of you two to do something I know you would both hate."

"What? Don't tell me we have to baby sit little kids. Bro, I hate them and their grubby, sticky hands and snot filled noses." Sapph shivered at just the thought.

"Preach sis." I agreed, "I mean as long as they don't talk or walk or scream I'm calm with them but as soon as they start doing all that I'm gonna hate them for a couple years until they pattern."

"God I didn't realise you hated those little shits- I mean kids as I much as I do. But anyways no that's not what I need you to do."

"We'll hurry up and get on with it mate, the sun starting to go down," Sapph said.

"I need you to...doamissionwiththeitalianmafiaspecificallyDonDeshaeandSecondAnthony."

I swear I heard crickets start to chirp.

"................Say mums."


"Nahhh dad, you mocked it for real." Sapph looked over to me and we had a whole conversation with our eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay, but the mission specifically asked for you all to do it together."

"You know what? It's fine. Whatever."

"Yeah it's cool." We both had a plan though.

"What do you want." He knew us too well.

"We want a whole day to ourselves without you being able to stop us or reprimand us for anything we decide to do." Sapph smirked mischievously.

"Ughhh!" Dad lowkey looked like he was fed up with life. "Fine. Go for it but I'm not cleaning up any of your messes."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Oh and did you know we could hear you panting like mad outside the door? Embarazzing. And by the way the missions tonight. Dismissed." He said so calmly with such an innocent smile that he could have almost fooled me.


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