Episode 2: Secrets

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Distracting the raptor momentarily worked, but she returned her attention back on the whimpering Kenji. Sighing out in frustration, Delta looked around for anything that could help distract them longer and allow Kenji the time to properly escape, but nothing seemed to catch her eye, leaving her with one option.

"Oh, god. Please don't make me regret this." She whimpered, putting her foot on the handrail and jumped up the pole in her hand still.

Landing on the ground, she also found Darius there too, having a small panic attack but keeping it under control by coming to his side; Delta held the pole at the read while Darius started jumbling out words.

"It's okay; It's okay, we're all okay." He whimpered.

Narrowing her eyes at the Raptor, Delta whispered to him. "The moment when we get out of this, you three are so dead."

While saying this, more raptors came to the other one's aid, snarling and growling at the three trespassers that have entered their home.

"Kenji, those bones... check for a raptor skull," Darius instructed, slowly moving back with Delta right behind him.

"What?" Questioned Kenji, now following Darius' plan.

"In the video game, I..."

"This is not the time to talk about your video game." Snapped Delta, pulling him behind her, the two still slowly walking backwards, crunching on bones.

"Yeah, what Delta said. You wanna talk about video games now?" He whispered yell, his back still pressed against the door.

One of the raptors screeched. That startled Darius causing him to slip and fall taking Delta down with him. The two started, skirting back on their butts, Delta regained her surroundings and stood back up again. The pole was still out in front of her while Kenji started panicking more as the raptor made their advancement.

"No! Let me out! Let me out!" He cried, banging on the door.

The two made it to the same area Kenji. Darius still moving on his butt backwards and Delta standing in front of them at the ready.

The raptor screeched again, making Delta yelp out a bit and jump back a bit as they moved in closer for the kill. Suddenly the whole pen was flooded with bright lights that stunned the raptors for a sec.

"Hey, come and get it!" Called Roxie's voice; throwing down huge pieces of meat to attract the raptor's over.

Three of them ran to the huge pill of meat but one stayed put, a blue stripe running down the side of her body, her eyes mostly transfixed on Delta, who continued to protect the two boys their eyes not leaving each other as the blue one growled.

"Get out of there!" Roxie yelled.

"Love to Roxie, but the concrete door is closed, and the gate one is wide open," Delta called back, standing her ground and snarling back at the raptor.

Having enough, the raptor screeched again and charged at the three causing the two boys to scream and Delta to tighten her grip on the pole. Before anything could happen the three were yanked back falling to the ground and the metal gate slammed close making the raptor body slam it.

Trucks started pulling up around them as other highly trained staff ran around the four people who were panting one of them still holding the pole in their hand. Their body now shaking from processing what has just transpired not even a mere 5 minutes ago.

"Secure the paddock."

"Move! Move! Move!"

"This way!"

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