8. Surprise!

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"I'm getting married."

Kion didn't answer and it makes Zian cry more.

"Hey, calm down. Let's talk this out. Hm?" Kion said hugging his boyfriend.

He somehow managed to calm him and he made him drink water.

"Are you good to talk?" he asked and Zian nodded slowly.

"Okay, so, let's start. What do you mean by you're getting married?" Kion asked.

"M-my parents, t-they want me to m-marry the son of their friend," Zian told him.

"You agreed?" he asked again. Zian's face contorted.

"I... I don't want to but-

"You followed your parents." Kion cut him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a coward. I... I don't want to, but they already talked to them a-and they said that the man agreed."

Kion's lips twitched. He didn't agree to anything. Heck, he walked out after his parents told him about it.

"Who is this fiancé of yours?"

Zian grimaced and whined... "Please don't say that."  Kion sighed and asked again.

"I don't know. They didn't tell me and I didn't ask." He answered. Kion studies his face and he saw that Zian is telling the truth.

"They didn't even tell him. It's either he's really innocent or he's just good at acting." He thought

"What will you do now?" he asked Zian...

Zian thinks for a while before an idea came. "I will talk to that man." Kion frowned.

"I will tell that man that I don't want to marry him and I have a boyfriend. I don't want to lose you, Kion." Zian said full of worry.

Kion cupped his left cheek and Zian leans on the warmth of his hand.

"Even if you have to go against your parents?" Kion asked...

"Mn. I'm old enough. And it's time I stand on my own. I know they mean well, but... This is still my life. I want to decide on my own." Zian said determinedly.

"Will you support me?" Zian added. Kion smiled and kissed him.

"Of course. You're mine." He said. Zian smiled brightly and hugs him.

He feels safe whenever he's in Kion's arms.

"Come, let's eat first then we'll watch a movie." Kion grabbed his hand and leads him to the dining area.

They watched a movie after. Zian asked if he could stay the night and Kion agreed. They changed into pajamas and cuddled to sleep.


Days passed and the two are enjoying being boyfriends. Zian talked to his parents that he wanted to talk to the man. They said they asked first. He will get the answer tonight.

"Lockhart, follow me," Kion said. They just got out of a meeting.

Kion locked the door and asked his boyfriend to sit on his lap.

"Are you okay? You seemed like your mind is somewhere else." Kion said

Zian hugged him and sighed. "I'm going home tonight," he said.

"What's the occasion?" Kion asked.

"Nothing. I'll just have to talk to my parents. I will know if the guy agreed to meet up with me." Zian said.

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