Chapter 2 - A farewell I'll never forget

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That's my name, Arden Wilson. Out of everyone in the district, why me. I feel the crowd dissociate around me as Rickie repeats my name, Arden Wilson.

Peacekeepers quickly hustle me up onto the stage. I struggle to hold back my tears. The mayor looks very pleased with himself as I pass him, almost as if he planned this all along.

Now for the boys I hear Rickie say. She steps forward to the bowl and digs her hand deap down, she picks upp a paper and walks back to the podium. I panic of the thought it could be Ash who has to fight against me in the arena.

The boys tribute, Rickie says. Ethan Oakwood. I breathe a sign of relief. Ethan Oakwood. A short blond boy from my class. I don't think we ever talked before but I get the impression he is pretty stupid. He is one of the "cool kids" and I hardly ever see him pay attention in class.

Ethan gives me a smal nod as he walks up beside me on the stage. I see the fear in his eyes. He is on the edge of breaking down. I start to look around. I lock eyes with my brother and focus on holding my emotions in check.

Any voluntears I hear Rickie says. No respons, everyone is quiet.
Our mayor procedes to tells us the Treaty of Treason, just like he is required to do every year. I don't feel the need to listen.

Me and Ethan shakes hands and they start playing the national anthem. When the song is over we get taken into custity. They don't put handcufs onto us or anything but the peacekeepers take us into the justice buiding where we get a room for ourselvs.

The room has only a smal sofa not even a window. I quickly search for cameras but I can't see any.

After what feels like hours Asher walks into the room and I can no longer hold back my tears. Don't cry I say to myself, everyone will know when you walk out to the train. You don't want anyone to think you're an easy target do you.

I quickly wipe my tears. Ash nods and looks at me with the same look he does everytime he want to tell me something. Don't be stupid I say. I point first at my ear, then on the door, to tell him that other people can probobly hear us. I just hope their isn't any cameras in the room.

Instead of listening to me he says loud and clear, we need change. This is the time to get your name out their. Do what you have to do and don't ever think about what can happen to me. The districts future is more important then mine. Peacekeepers rush in before he was done talking and he gets dragged out of the room. Just before the door closes he scream, you can win I know it.

Asher has fire in him and thats something I realy edmire. I force myself to think about something else than what the peacekeepers is going to do to my brother.

People say the two mentors this year is Beetee Laiter and Wiress plummer. Beetee won his games by elecricuteing six players at once. I think he can help me making trapps. I probably can't handle weapons very well as they ar illegal in district 3 and I would never win a fight against a carieer, someone who trained their whole life on a special academy for this. Lets just hope I can outrun everyone who comes close to me.

Suddenly a peacekeeper opens the door and Mary walks in. You have two minutes the peacekeeper say. Two minutes, Mary says, isn't it usually like ten? He doesn't answer just closes the door.

Mary hugs me. She is the only person i have ever been this close to. We don't separate, we just stand their until the peacekeapers walks in. Good luck she says and walks out the door crying.

Now i'm al alone.

I just want this to be over. I want my parents, my best friend and brother back. Even if i do survive the games I don't think anyone will be able to see me the same.

And after what Ash said he will probobly be dead before tomarow. Executed for threating the peace. It will be sent on tv for everyone to see. A way for the capital to show everyone what happenes if you go against them.

The doors open again it's finaly time to go. I walk out of the door where i meet Ethan, Beetee, Wiress and rickie. Together we walk out of the justive buidings back door. We are greeted by flashing lights as we walk into two separet cars. I sit beside Beetee.

I have never travelled by car before and it seem pretty stupid to take the car to the train station, only two streets down from the justice building.

The whole ride was quiet until I asked, do you know what happeded to my brother? No, Beetee says with a questioning look. When I'm quiet he desides not to push the question further and again we sit in scilence.

When we arive to the station where we are again greated with flashing lights. I take one last look at the district i probobly will never see again before I step into the train.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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