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(287 words)

3rd person POV
Larry speed-walked through the door not looking where he was going. He didn't think much about not looking until he ran into a boy. Named Travis Phelps, the bitch of the school, He's Christian, homophobic, and a daddy's boy. No one likes him. Travis fell to the ground leaving Larry on top of him.
"Oi! Get off me prick!!" Travis said panicking on the inside.
"Jeez sorry I wasn't looking." Larry said while getting up and leaving a hand out to help Travis up
"I don't need your stupid help, you probably don't even wash your hands." Travis said in disgust. Travis stood up and said.
"Watch where your going next time idiot." Travis stormed off.
"Ugh what's his problem." Larry said to himself as he walked off to his first class. He was probably going to skip anyways I mean he always does. So instead of going to class he grabbed his backpack and headed to the bathroom. He walked in and was surprised to see Travis in there. Well kind of Travis always hangs out in the bathroom. But what surprised him that he was in here a few seconds before the bell rang. Travis has never been late to class.
"Hey Travis what are you doing in here?" Larry asked.
"That's none of your business, and why do you keep following me!"
"I'm not I'm just coming to skip and saw you were in here dude, also the bells about to ring your gonna be late."
"I don't care."
"I'm not going."
"Your skipping!?"
"Yeah that's what not going means."
"Yeah yeah I know no need to give me attitude it's just weird how YOU are skipping."
"Shut up.."

The school project <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora