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"Do you know how to ride a horse?"

"Yes", I got on to the stale white horse

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"Yes", I got on to the stale white horse.

"The Titan research lab is a about ten minutes away from the Survey Corps Department, hang on tight", Moblit rode away first and I followed behind him.

Although I could only see the back of his head, I knew that Moblit was eager to reach the Survey Corps. I wasn't sure why but I assumed that Hanji was what he was riding for.

"Quite busy from the first day isn't it? You'll get to see the others from the Survey Corps so take this easy, no pressure really. If anything seems to stress you, tap my shoulder or smile at Hanji-san".

"Smile at...Hanji?"

"Yes", he chuckled. "You'll know what I mean"

A few moments later, we arrived at the Survey Corps building. The guards opened the gate for us and we entered through the well-trimmed garden. Some of the guards came and took our horses.

 Some of the guards came and took our horses

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"Welcome Moblit. Commander Hanji is in the 2nd floor in Erwin's room, and she is?..".

"Hanae. My name is Hanae Koto and I'm Commander Hanji's subordinate."

"Ah, I see. You must be the newbie that everyone was talking about. Welcome Hanae."

The guards opened the door and we entered the building after a quick security check.

Moblit and I climbed the stairs and reached the 2nd floor. We took a turn in the long hallway after passing three rooms. When we reached the corner, three people were waiting in front of the door.

Two boys and one girl. The dark-brown colored hair was eavesdropping with his ears glued to the wooden door. The blonde boy tried to pull him away from the door and the girl with a red scarf was trying to stop the two.

 The blonde boy tried to pull him away from the door and the girl with a red scarf was trying to stop the two

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"Armin, if you pull Eren like that, he might get hurt."

"Shhhhh, I'm trying to listen-", the boy hissed.

"Woi, bastards", the door opened.

"We can hear you", it was captain Levi

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"We can hear you", it was captain Levi.

"Ca..captain!", everyone straightened up. Commander Erwin came out of the room and turned his head towards us.

"Moblit and Hanae, come in. You three, wait down stairs", Erwin said.

Moblit casually walked into the meeting room. The three looked at me with pure curiosity.

"Moblit, do people know that I'm new?"

"I heard that only the higher-ups are aware of your recruitment. But I'm sure we'll have a face-to-face introductory fathering with the other cadets, so don't worry.", Moblit closed the door.

"Welcome", Levi, Erwin and Hanji were sitting down on a small table with a few documents scattered above.

"Anything you'd like to report?", Levi asked.

"Yes, captain. We have a new member of the Survey Corps in the Titan Research team. In total, now we have three members", Moblit looked at me.

"M-My name is Hanae Koto. It is a pleasure to be accepted into the Survey Corps!", my voice was shaky.

Erwin smiled and placed right hand on his heart, his hand gripped into a fist. "Shinzo Wa Sasageyo".

"Shinzo Wa Sasageyo", and I did the same

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"Shinzo Wa Sasageyo", and I did the same.

Hanji waved her hand. "What an enthusiastic one".

A warm sensation rushed through my chest as I stared into Hanji's eyes. Then she gave the same look to Moblit, Levi, and Erwin. I only looked away when I realized that those eyes were never meant to be solely mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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