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Your brain was spinning.

Bright, vibrant colors flashed across your eyes, as you jerked and struggled against the bindings trapping you to your chair. Your side bled, as the brief memory of being shot with something bounced across your mind.
You struggled to close your eyes, but something kept them open- a soft melody played in the background. You could barely hear it over the screech of metallic whirring, and the screams escaping your own, scratched throat.

You felt like you were dying, being ripped apart at the seams only to be tied together again with worn string and rusty needles. A small metallic arm- attached to some other machine hidden in the darkness of your prison, came close to your face.
And quickly clamped down at your throat.

The scream you let out was cut off, as a gurgle escaped you- both blood and saliva poured from your lips. A plea for mercy stumbled out, slow and unintelligible- more like a wheeze than a sentence. A part of you thought that even if your captors knew what you said, they would never let you go.
The machine loosened its grip on your throat, as the things holding your eyes open finally let you blink away at the lights- you felt blind. Even if you couldn't necessarily see, the lights still taunted you.

Your eyes adjusted slightly- while you could see a bit more, they still felt as though they were on fire. You couldn't move your head- any attempt was met with the clamp around your neck squeezing, threatening to snap your neck and putting you out of the terror you were currently in.
You debated allowing that to happen.

Before you could, however, you felt something metallic jabbed into your arm. You screamed again, writhing slightly as something was forced into your veins. You could feel it- the way it seemed to beat inside your arm and move it's way through you.

You threw up, your mind a blur as the lights grew brighter. The sound of music bursted into your mind, invading every thought and every sense you still had a grasp on.
You found it funny- how days ago you had so much hope for a better tomorrow. Now you could barely remember your own name.
Your body grew cold- you lost feelings in your arms and hands, as slowly your eyes began to shut.
In the distance, you heard a bird singing and the sound of children playing.

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