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"Quite a show," Rhodes says as he gets into Dom's car while holding his gun in his lap while Artemis gets in the back seat. Artemis shakes her head as they watch an orange Lamborghini go out of control on the ice before she rolls her eyes as she realizes that Roman got his car after all.
"Dom, do you really wanna put that car in gear?" Cipher asks as she sees Dom rest his hand on the gear stick from the cameras in the car.
"Do it, huh?" Rhodes asks as he points his handgun at Artemis, causing Dom to shift the car into park.
"I didn't think so," Cipher says before one of her men tells her where the team is heading. "I should have taken care of this a long time ago. Rhodes, take his team out."
"I'm on it," Rhodes says before getting out of the car.

Roman gets in front of Tej's tank, causing the soldiers to shoot at him. Tej messes with some controls before the gun on top of the tank turns to face the soldiers. The tank starts firing before taking out one of the jeeps, causing it to crash into one of the trucks. Snowmobiles and more cars start coming from the right, causing Artemis to start lightly bouncing her leg out of nervousness. Hobbs swings around taking out some of the cars coming from the right. Roman notices a truck with small missiles behind him before he tries to get back in front of Tej, but the soldiers fire a missile at him. The missile hits beside Roman, causing the ice to crack open. Roman's car starts to sink into the water. Tej jumps over some ice as he speeds up. Tej fires a harpoon that attaches to Roman's door. Roman's car fully drops into the water, causing water to leak into the car. Roman grabs his door before Tej hits his brakes, pulling to the left causing the line to pull tight. This causes Roman's door to come off and fly out of the water with Roman on it.
"Oh Shit!" Artemis whispers as her eyes widen in shock from seeing Roman flying through the air. Tej continues to drag the door behind him as everyone besides Roman cheers. The snowmobiles start catching up to Roman before shooting at him. The truck fires another missile, causing the line to break which causes Roman to let go of the door as it flies into the air. As the door lands, Roman slides behind it as he is shot at. Roman stands up before using the door to take out one of the soldiers on a snowmobile. Roman grabs the soldier's gun before taking out the rest of the soldiers on snowmobiles. Hobbs pulls up beside Roman, who gets into the vehicle.
"I know how much these people mean to you," Rhodes says as he looks at Dom through the windshield of the car. "So, I'll let you pick the first target."
"I don't pick a target from a mile away," Dom tells him with a glare. "I stand face to face, and look 'em dead in the eye."
"Okay, the wife it is," Rhodes says with a chuckle before looking through his scope, while Dom checks on his phone. Rhodes aims his sniper rifle at Letty, as Artemis notices that Dom looks down at his phone again before the phone starts buzzing.
"I've got the package Toretto. All twelve pounds of him," Deckard says after Dom answers the phone, causing Artemis to look at Dom in shock since Deckard is still alive. Dom lets out a sigh of relief as he hears the baby saying "Dada". Rhodes has Letty in his sights before Dom opens his door, causing Rhodes to shift his shot before firing. The shot hits the front of Letty's car before richoteting off the car.
"You made me miss my shot," Rhodes says as he glares at Dom, who is walking around the car.  "What do you think you're doing?" Rhodes goes to hit Dom with the gun but Dom catches the gun.
"Looking at you dead in the eye," Dom answers Rhodes before punching him in the face. Dom knocks the rifle out of Rhodes' hands before Rhodes grabs his handgun. Dom grabs Rhodes' hands, causing Rhodes to fire off a shot before Dom slams Rhodes' hands into the car which causes him to drop the gun. Rhodes slams Dom against the car before punching him in the stomach a few times. Dom blocks a few punches as he picks Rhodes up by the throat before slamming him on top of the hood of the car. Rhodes tries to choke Dom, who is holding him down by the throat with one arm. Dom uses his free arm to slam into Rhodes' head, causing Rhodes' neck to snap.  "That was for Elena." Dom throws Rhodes' body into the snow before getting back into his car as Artemis watches him in shock.
"Rhodes," Cipher tries to get his attention.
"He's no longer with us," Dom says as he looks at the camera in the car. "Rhodes picked the wrong target."
"Congratulations Dom. You just killed your son," Cipher says as she stares at the camera footage.
"You're wrong. I just saved him," Dom tells her with a smirk. "And you just took your foot off the tiger's neck." Dom looks back at Artemis. "This may not end well, so you may be safer taking his car." Artemis nods as she gets out of the car while Dom puts his car in gear before taking off towards the team with Artemis following after him once she gets in Rhodes' car.

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