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Shortly after they returned to game shakers and were all hanging out 3 police officers walked in

"Babe Carano, Hudson Gimble and Jasper Dunlop"

"Yes?" Babe said

"You 3 are arrested for the murders of Triple G Griffin and Henry Hart"

"That wasn't us"

"We have a witness"

"Who? Jasper asked

They stepped aside and Charlotte walked up

"Charlotte?" Jasper says

"That's right. I saw those 3 kill Trip and Henry"

"What are you even doing here?" Jasper asked

"I came to get Henry because Ray wanted to apologize. Ray sent me to get him even though you were already here"

"Are you sure these 3 killed them?" One of the officers asked

"Yes. I'm 100% Sure" Charlotte said

"Ok you 3 stand up hands behind your back. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law" Another officer said

"Kenzie tell them we didn't do it" Babe says

"I can't lie. They did it" Kenzie says tearing up

"Wait you knew they did this and didn't say anything?" One of the officers asked

"Yea?" Kenzie said

"Hands behind your back right now"

"What? Why am I getting arrested? I didn't do anything"

"Knowing someone committed a murder and not saying anything is a crime. It's called Misprision of Felony. So you are being arrested"

As the 4 were led out of game shakers they saw Charlotte smirking

Ok I know this part is really really bad and I'm sorry for that. I ran out of ideas and I lost the passion I had for writing this so I might abandon it and write a whole new story or if someone else wants to take over and continue it for me, they are more than welcomed to do that. Sorry

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