Telling Marinette

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"Wake up." Whispered a voice.

Zoe woke up to see a face, close to hers. She started to blush.

"You slept a lot, no one was able to wake you up." Said Luka, he cracked a grin.

"Uhh." Zoe babbled, she was still blushing, unable to answer him.

Luka laughed.

"Where... is everyone, are- are we the only ones here?" Stuttered Zoe, blushing at the thought.

"Everyone left, Juleka went with Rose though. My mother is not here, so yes, yes we are the only ones here." Luka surprisingly said.

Zoe felt her soul leave her body. She started to laugh awkwardly.

Zoe got up from the bed. She found her purse nearby and took out her phone.

"Oh boy, I need to go now. Got lots of stuff to do and... it's getting kinda late." Rambled Zoe, she smiled awkwardly at him. She just wanted to get away from the awkwardness.

"Alright." Said Luka.

Zoe stood up and followed him out of Juleka's bedroom, she got to the exit of the boat and slowly turned around.

"I guess i'll have to go now. I hope to see you soon." Said Zoe, she smiled softly.

"Take care." Sighed Luka.

Zoe waked back home trying not to think about what happened a while ago.

"We were the only ones at his house..." Mumbled Zoe quietly, she touched her cheek. It was burning with embarrassment.

"Ah, I shouldn't think of it that way." She gasped.

When Zoe got home she asked one of the hotel's butlers for lunch, and to bring it to her room.

She walked towards her room, sipping on a bottle of water.

"Did you hear about that new ice cream man?" Said a voice, squealing.

Zoe saw a group of girls walking by talking to each other.

"Yes! I hear that not only are his ice creams delicious but they are also..." The voices trailed off leaving Zoe wondering what else was exciting about the man's ice cream.

Zoe got in her room and shut the door behind her. She took off her shoes and sat down on her bed.

"Gosh, what a strange day." Sighed Zoe, her thoughts slowly trailed off. She started to think about Luka. Again.

"You are so confusing... Why are you stuck in my head?" Asked Zoe to no one, "I wish I knew what was happening."

Then Zoe realized something, but she also needed to do something...

She took out her phone and made a call.

"Hello?" Greeted a voice.

"Marinette, hi." Said Zoe.

"Are you alright? Earlier today you practically passed away and no one would be able to wake you up! Luckily Luka stayed behind... So, how are you" Marinette asked.

"Marinette, don't worry Luka woke me up... somehow. I just want to tell you something."

"I'm listening." Said Marinette.

"Marinette... I... I like Luka..." Whispered Zoe.


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