I swear I'm never answering that phone again.

All I ever hear from it is how I'm failing.

How my brother knows what he wants to do so why don't I?

I was supposed to be my parents golden child, but I was never good enough, but that's a story for another time. Let's just say I have certain expectations to live up too that haven't been met yet. For starters I don't have a penis, strike number one. I didn't stay a cheerleader while in college, strike number two. Finally I didn't go to Stone Creek and follow in mother and fathers footsteps, strike number three.

I might not have a dick but that didn't matter to my father as long as I had two arms and two legs, he still wanted me to be able to throw a football and know anything and everything there is about football. Sometimes I wonder if he thought I would grow a penis and become some sort of magical son. He's always held it over my head that I wasn't a son to him. It didn't matter to him that I had an older brother. No why would it? He was meant to have 2 NFL playing boys, but when I popped out without a penis I magically became the least favorite and a cheerleader without any thought of what I wanted to do. But don't get me wrong I'm still my Daddy's little princess and always will be.

For as long as I can remember I have always put my dreams, my wants, on the back burner. I've always been told what I had to do and what I had to say. No one has asked me what my dreams are because everyone just expects me to fall in line and do as I'm told.

When I was accepted into River University I was over the moon but also terrified. I was 17 and getting ready to start a new chapter. I decided to pack my bags and move half way across the country.

There is where I meant my roommate and best friend Ryland. We bonded over food and romantic comedies, she is the sister I never had. The person who helped me through breakups. Through out our freshman year we picked each other up when we were down, cleaned up our tears, and laughed till we about peed our pants. We go to just about every sporting event, party, and every hospital visit together. The best thing that happened to us freshman year was meeting our best friends Charlotte, Grier, and Cameron.





Pulling me out of my thoughts I hear my phone. I don't need to even pick up my phone to know what it is. It's my disapproving mother. Once again telling me I need to move back home. Be a good girl and go to the correct college. Take the correct classes and be involved in the right sport and activities. Then there will be some from my spineless father agreeing with the evil witch because he won't stand up to her.

Then there is Tyler. The one person who does stand up to the evil witch for me. He understands what going away to college means to me. He might be 5 years older but we have always been close because of the pressure put on us. The only reason that me going away to college is even being allowed is because I promised to go to all the social events she needs me too.

"Her again?"

I look up to see Ryland walking towards me with a sad smile on her face. She tries to understand but she can't and I understand why. I've met both her parents. I've been to her house for family dinners. It breaks my heart seeing them interact like that knowing I'll never get love and support like she does but her mom tries to be there for me. They all know my situation and try to help as much as possible. I may be taking a break for now but we will see how long my mother lets that last.

"Yup, it's been constantly going for the last half hour and I haven't even picked it up, I know Tyler will be sticking up for me but I really don't need to hear anymore nasty words right now..." I look up with the same sad smile on my face. I hate sympathy which is why she's the only one who knows the full details of my situation. I needed someone to be open with for once and she was there for me when I had my biggest meltdown.

"That's why I have the best idea" I look at her and she's staring at me with a wide smile that honestly kind of scares me. "We are going out! So get that gorgeous butt in the shower and that beautiful chestnut hair washed and done and get into your skankiest clothes because we are leaving in one hour!"

I look up and am about to protest. I really don't feel like going out to party tonight, when she looks me directly in the eye and gives me her best glare and states.

"I'm giving you one hour and after that hour is up I will be dragging you out by your hair if I have too! So little missy what is it gonna be? Leave here beautified and willingly or leave here like a washed out and unruly mess while I drag you by the hair? Your choice." She gives me her best smirk as it changes into a triumphant grin because she knows she's won this round because she will legit drag me out by my hair if I'm not fast enough.

So that's how an hour later I am changed into my bar outfit and have just finished my hair and I'm walking out the door to have a night out.

We get to the main campus bar, River Side Sun, and holy crap is it busy tonight the line to get in is wrapped around the building

"Ry, why is it so packed tonight what the heck am I missing?" I continue to look around completely muddled.

"You're joking right?" She is currently looking at me like I am deranged so obviously I am missing something big right now

"No Ryland I'm not joking I'm confused and kinda pissed we have to stand in the line for what is gonna be awhile! Honestly I didn't even want to go out tonight, what fun is gonna be standing in a line?" I start and its not even that I'm mad, currently I'm just irked and this is not helping

"Row I'm so..." She starts but I don't even let her finish before I'm digging in my purse and pulling her to the front of the line to the bouncers.

"I know I know, you are gonna say you're sorry and it's fine. But I'm not standing in this line." I reply as I approach the bouncer

"Ms. The back of the line please" He looks proud of himself for telling two pretty girls back of the line but he won't feel that for long. I pull out my license and phone and hand my license over to the shitty bouncer. "Ok Ms. Blackwell nice name or whatever but back of the line!"

Wow this guy really has no idea who he is talking to. So I start typing on my phone.

"Ms. I need..." He starts

"Shhhh... Don't speak till I say you can speak kapesh" I know its rude but he should've recognized me the minute I stepped up to him. "Hi Daddy, I know I know sorry I called so late. I'm just trying to get into RSS by campus and this mean bouncer isn't letting us in... Ok... Ok... Thank you daddy... Yup... Yup... Love you the mostest... Here talk" I say as I hand the phone over to the bouncer who's looking at me like I've gone off the rails.

Once the bouncer hands me my phone back he looks like he might pee himself.

"Ms. Blackwell I am so sorry for this. I should've recognized the last name. I apologize profusely!"

As I walk past I start "Don't let it happen again and make sure Ms. Barlowe's name is on the list too, Ryland Barlowe, we don't need another mistake like tonight because my dad might give many strikes but I only give one." I smirk as I walk past as his cowering figure even as 5'8 he's still a good foot taller than me and I managed to bring him down to below me. Just one of the few talents that I got from mother.

As soon as we get in I turn to Ryland, "So now do you wanna tell me why the place is so packed?"

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!! I have the next few chapter ready and can't wait for you to read them! This one is a little short but I promise they start to get longer as you go! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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