𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐪

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"can you get an infection from crying for overly long periods of time?" 

ricky chewed on the end of his pencil in thought before point it towards me. "i'm guessing not because if that were a fact, you would have gotten said infection ages ago." 

that's true. i've been crying for the past 27 hours and forty minutes.

i sighed exaggeratedly at ricky's response, even though he was right, and wiped saltily at my eyes. "you're mean." i grumbled. 

"not mean, just honest." ricky corrected with a light smile as he passed me a tissue just like he has for the past 27 hours and forty minutes. "and you, my dear, are an emotional little child." 

he said it like it was my choice, but i couldn't stop crying no matter how much will power i put in to stop.

my life has been a mess to say the least.

i woke up in the morning, and i cried because i remembered that soon i wouldn't be able to jump on ricky's bed and wake him up anymore. i went down to the cafe and i cried because i remembered the first time i ever saw ricky; at the time, he was a mysterious man watching me from a distance, glancing up occasionally from the sketchbook in his hand, which immediately got me awestruck and interested in him. i sat down on my couch and i cried because of all the movie nights we had sat there, cuddled up and comfortable; i wouldn't be having those with him again for a very long time, if ever. 

i wouldn't be surprised if i discover a new infectious disease due to constant tears, and then i could write a book on my incredible discovery. we can call it 'tears of agony due to absence disease: the squeal to rainy days and soggy oatmeal; a heart wrenching story told by a wistful woman child.' 

it could be a series! 

i gotta write this down somewhere. 

"stop treating me like a baby." i murmured under breath, but ricky simply smiled at me fondly and patted my head. 

the two of us where in the cafe at a hour way too early for life to be running, but i had to get things set up before opening, and i have realized that ricky doesn't verbally address his feelings, but gets super clingy instead. 

this man has been everywhere i go. i turn a corner, he is there. i sit on the couch, he's behind me. i'm in the kitchen, and he's hugging me close to him like a baby holding a teddy bear. 

it's adorable and it's killing me slowly. 

but, as i was saying before, i was in the cafe making an early morning cup of tea while ricky hung downstairs with me, just watching me work away. spending quality time with each other was nearly crucial right now, because i have no idea what i'm going to do without him once he's gone. i need to memorize him in these last few days until i can't anymore. 

not even days at this point. 

this last day. 

ricky left tomorrow and the thought of it nearly made me sick to me stomach. i felt like crying and screaming and holding him so he could never leave me, but i knew he had to. he had his life to get back to and i had mine. that doesn't mean he won't always be special to me, we're just going to be on different paths. 

and i hate it. 

just like that, my tears started welling up again and i let out a small sniffle while ricky attention sparked. 

"aww, teeny, not again." he cooed, standing up from his stool and coming around the bar to me where he held his arms open, suggesting i should walk into them. 

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢 - 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now