Chapter 1- A New Beginning

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There's no smut, gore, or anything YET, I might have some in later chapters but I'll put a warning.

Alex's POV

I had no idea where I was going. I had been looking for the admissions office for what felt like hours! There were like no people in the school to help me. It was almost like it was abando- "AHHHH." Someone tapped me on the shoulder but scared the shit out of me. "Sorry I scared you. Are you trying to find something?" "Uh yeah I'm new here, where's the admissions office?" Wait, you must be the new transfer student! Alexander Hamilton! Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Aaron Burr!" "Um hello Burr. I am Alexander Hamilton but call me Alex, please."

*Time Skip cause I'm lazy*

That Aaron Burr guy seemed okay. I finally got my schedule and dorm information. My roommate is Hercules Mulligan. Now I just have to find my dorm. "Room 46." I said out loud. My feet are sore from walking so much, this school is huge. I came across room 46 and knocked. I heard some feet shuffling but it sounded like more than one person. Suddenly the door opened and a guy almost twice my size looked at me. "This is room 46, correct?" I asked. "You must be Alexander Hamilton!!! GUYS THE NEW KID IS HERE!!! Come on in!"

I walked in the dorm and immediately saw two other guys. One was sprawled on the couch watching TV. The other was at the desk on a computer probably doing homework. The TV dude looked up and jokingly said,"Regarde ce que le chat traînait." "Tu veux dire le rat qui est assis sur le canapé?" I replied smugly. His face went red as a tomato and he just sat there confused."Laf, you should really stop talking about people in French or this will happen." said a new voice. I looked over and saw it was the guy at the desk.

All of a sudden I felt a flush spread across my face. OMG HE'S FUCKING HOT. He had brown curly hair and his face was covered in freckles. He looked over at me and I tried to keep from laughing as the desk guy blushed even more than I did. "Aren't you guys gonna introduce yourselves?!?!" Hercules practically yelled in my ear. "Oh right, je m'appelle Lafayette!" "Everyone just calls him Laf. As you know, I'm Hercules but you can call me Herc." Hercules explained.

It was quiet for a few minutes but as always, Herc broke the silence, "John aren't you going to introduce yourself?" he asked. No reply. "John." No reply. "JOHN LAURENS!!!"Herc shouted. John broke out of his trancelike state and looked confused for a second. "Oh sorry, I'm John Laurens."

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm still trying to figure out the plot! Next chapter will probably be out today. I'm also sorry this is so bad and cringy.

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