The first in a long time

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It has been another month since the preseason testing and for some reason, my mind has gone back to the get-together. It feels weird that most of the riders wanted to be my friends. I know I need to relax but I have been on edge for some reason. I put it down to the fact that it is my first race in the main level of competition. Despite the build-up of nerves, I have a genuine smile on my face as I leave my apartment. I put it down to the fact that I am on my way to a good MotoGP debut. Thankfully the taxi ride to the airport is quick since the team has chosen an early flight for Jack and me. After a fifteen-minute walk through the airport, I find my teammate asleep. I check my watch to find that we have two hours to relax before our flight leaves. I give Jack a good shove to wake him up.

"Come on. We h...hhave a flight to catch," I add my voice. I can feel Jack's death stare.

"I'm awake but we have two hours," Jack responds. I will have to get him some coffee from one of the vendors soon.

"Excuse me," I say as I leave. I find myself guessing the type of coffee that Jack would have since he hasn't told me. I also ordered my standard hot chocolate. I brace myself for a weird look as I head back to the gate. It doesn't take long for me to find Jack. This time he is pacing around. It looks like he is thinking about something. I'll have to ask him once he gets some coffee into his system.

"Here. I got coffee," I passed him the cup. He takes it. It looks like I got the order right since his face has brightened a little. Either that or he didn't care. After thirty minutes of chatting to Jack, our conversation is interrupted by a familiar Spanish accent. It is Marc's brother Alex. He is talking to his mechanics. I think it is odd that there are other MotoGP personnel going to Qatar early.

"Hello, Mavi. Hello, Jack," Alex greets you.

"Morning," I respond. Hopefully, he is not like Jack in the morning. If Alex is anything like his brother I am going to have a long flight. Hopefully, he is not a charmer. After what feels like an eternity everyone has made it abroad. I am glad that travelling to a MotoGP race involves flying in first class. Even with the bickering between Alex, Jack and I. The thing is I would never survive economy ever again.

"I need my sle..ep. You G...oose," I complain to Alex who is still talking as the plane climbs higher. For whatever reason, he has been trying to get on my nerves. It's as if he is inviting me to be rivals. I dismiss the thought because Marc or Valentino would have a better chance.

"Ok fine," He gives up with a slight pout. I soon drift off to sleep with a lot of thoughts occupying my mind.

I find myself worried. I need to run but if I leave my dad I may never compete in motorbike races ever again. The issue is as a ten-year-old I just want to race. I can hear the yelling from my parents. You can tell that they are arguing over who has custody over you. Whatever that means. Why can't they let me sleep? I have a big race tomorrow. I timidly made my way down the stairs.

"Mum, Dad, is everything ok?" I try my best to break through the silence. I can feel the gaze of my parents.

"No. You should go to bed. Your father and I are having an important discussion. Plus you have an important race," You can hear the pride in your mother's voice even though it is still strained from the argument. I shake my head. I need to make sure my parents are ok. It doesn't take long for my dad to turn violent. I can feel the sting as my dad's hand makes contact with my face.

I jolt awake to find Alex and Jack standing over me. The concern is written on their faces. I must have been sleep talking again. The nightmare was my first for a long time. I try my best to reassure the pair that there was nothing to worry about. Just so long as I don't have a nightmare during the weekend I'll be fine. The good thing is I slept long enough to make the conversation quick. The others head back to their respective seats for landing. Thankfully the queue of planes coming in to land is short. I stretch my legs as I mentally brace for questions from the others. To my surprise, they didn't come. I put it down to the fact that they must know that I don't want to talk about my issues yet. It doesn't take long for Jack and me to reach the car that we will be using for the weekend.

"The nightmare wasn't your first, was it?" Jack finally asks the question. I shake my head not really wanting to talk about it.

"Don't worry. I won't ask for details till you are ready to tell me," I find myself giving him a reluctant smile. At least Jack is the kind of person that can read the room well. A skill that I wish I had. I find it funny that Jack is quite laid back at times and serious at other times as I have come to find out in the short time that I have known him.

"Thank you," I managed to get out. Just so long as Alex doesn't ask questions I'll be fine. It has been a couple of days since Jack and I arrived in Qatar and I am getting ready for my first and only interview. I knew there were a few people after me so I left Jade to choose one for me. Speaking of Jade, she is currently bothering me.

"Jade I'll be f...ffine," I finally get the sentence out. Normally I would be a little more lenient but I am nervous and she knows how nasty I can get when I am worried.

"Just remember that you can bail out if you need to," Jade responds. For some reason, her words remind me of the fact that I ran from Fabio. I wish I wasn't shy but a stutter does that to people. At least my team will have my back no matter what. I take a deep breath as I head to the media area. I am soon greeted by an eager reporter.I put on my fake confidence just like I did in Moto2 but I'm not sure I can make it work. The reporter gets to work. The good thing is she is patient given the fact that my stutter is made worse.

"One last question. How do you honestly feel given the fact that you have made it to the big leagues?" The reporter asks.

"I don..n't know. I w...wwill find out af...ter the first race," I struggle to get the answer out. The good thing is that is her last question. She quickly wraps up her interview.

"Oh, I have a favour to ask. Can you sign this for my daughter? She's a fan," The reporter offers me a mini helmet and a pen. I signed it because it gives me some joy to know that I have fans carried over from Moto2. For some reason, I feel comforted by the knowledge. I just need to remember that I can't do anything stupid. I quickly brief Jade on what happened. I find myself smiling a little since she was the one that chose the interview. Now the only thing I have to do is some media stuff with the team but I should be alright considering Jack will be with me. I don't know why but being with Jack makes me feel a little more confident.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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