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"Ugh" I groaned smacking my phone turning off the alarm. I swear everyday it's getting harder and harder to wake up. Sitting up, under my comfy brown comforter, I rub my face before stretching and heading to the bathroom. Once finishing my necessities I walk back into my bedroom to throw on my uniform which consisted of a dark blue skirt, a white long-sleeve button-up shirt and a small tie. I changed quickly before grabbing my loafers, phone and book bag to head downstairs with.

I walked into the kitchen to see my parents enjoying their daily morning coffee and my brother Tommy scarfing down a bagel he drowned in cream cheese. Gross. Don't get me wrong I like cream cheese but the way he smothers his bagels in it should be illegal. I got to the fridge and opened it to grab an apple to eat on my way to school. "Good morning Clementine" my mom smiled sipping her coffee. "Morning" I greeted back heading toward the front door. "Why just an apple? Eat something more than that" my dad stated. I shook my head. "It's fine I'll eat at school" they each sent me a glare. "I promise I will but I have to get going so I'll see you guys later"

Tommy shot up stuffing the rest of the bagel in his mouth rushing to follow me out the door. "Me too see you later!" He exclaimed running past me and out the door. My parents gave quick goodbyes as I followed behind my brother.

"Where are you going? The car is right here"

"Go on without me, I want to walk today" I start walking down our driveway while my brother stood at his car with the door open and his arm resting on top. He scoffed. "Alright but don't give me shit about it later " I rolled my eyes and continued to walk on as he got into the vehicle and went ahead.

I loved the way the way the leaves sounded as they crunched under my shoes on the dry concrete. Today felt like it was going to be a good one by how great breeze felt on my face and legs. I sighed closing my eyes, feeling content and relaxed until a loud screech made me jolt. "CLEM!!" I look to my left and see one of my best friends Maggie, struggling to hold down her skirt as she ran to greet me. "Oof" she knocked the wind out of me as she ran right into me wrapping her arms tightly around my body. "Mag I can't breathe" I gasped out making her laugh and let me go, her brown curls brushing past my face as she did. "You should be use to my hugs by now" I rolled my eyes. "It's like they get tighter every time"

"Oh whatever but anyway I hope your ass is as happy as I am because before you know it we'll be graduating and out of this shit hole of a school" she put her hands up acting like a big word had just popped up across the sky. "Yeah yeah I am but you know I'll probably get stuck in a college just as shitty as the school we're in now because of my parents" she gave me an annoyed look. "I can't stand how your family controls you" she huffed as we continued to walk. "I know maybe they'll finally leave me alone once we finish school" Maggie just nodded in agreement as we decided to change the subject and talk about random things until arriving on the school grounds.

We went straight to our lockers which luckily were just 2 feet away from each-other and navy blue with old black locks on them. "hey!" the familiar voice of August rang through my ears as he came sprinting over. "What took you so long to get here? I had to wait like 5 extra minutes for you two. I almost missed breakfast" Maggie groaned. "Your such a goddamn crybaby sometimes, how the hell are we friends?" I laugh as we collectively begin to head to our first lesson. "It's because you love me of course" August smirked making Maggie roll her eyes. "Yeah right you damn loser" she scoffed quickening the pace distancing herself from us.


The first two of my lessons went by quick and I agreed to meet back up with Maggie in the cafeteria line. We gave each other a knowing look when glancing down at the trays in our hands. "You know, for such a "fancy" place you'd think their food would taste better". We share a laugh and decide to sit close to the entrance of the room near a large window we're we could see the bright green leaves on the tall brown trees outside.

It was a particularly normal day until the lunch room chatter got significantly louder than usual. "What do you think Is going on?" Maggie shrugged. "Probably a new kid or something" she took a sip of her milk almost choking on it when August came running up from behind. "Yeah more like a group of new kids" he smirked sitting beside me. I raised an eyebrow as he continued. "I guess it's that time of the year where they accept new people". That makes sense but a whole group of people at once seemed kind of weird. I'm sure they're not going to be much different than the other stuck up assholes at this school. The loud conversations quickly turned into whispers as the cafeteria doors opened to reveal what I'm sure were the new students.

There were 2 girls and 2 guys. One of the girls had a cute short black bob and bangs that matched her round face and big brown eyes really well. She was a couple inches shorter than the other three she was standing with. The taller girl had long hair that pretty much reached her rear end and was bright mint green which was even more surprising than just seeing it because we weren't allowed to have dyed hair here. She wore her uniform sloppily and had her skirt pulled up higher than they usually are. The boys on the other hand, one was shorter than the other just like the girls and had long curly brown locks that complimented well with his mocha skin tone and bright green eyes. The boy next to him who i'm guessing was his friend was quite tall with his super dark brown hair that laid flat down on his head. It was so deep that it could be black. It looked silky yet soft. His face was tan, slender, soft and very attractive looking might I say the least and his eyes were grey and sharp like a dagger. He wore his uniform perfectly and I could tell by all the girls commenting around me that he was a lady killer. Bless his sweet parents.

"Wow" was all Maggie could say while August laughed at her open mouth expression. He tried push her jaw up but received a slap on the hand in return. "Ow you wench, I was just trying to help you so you wouldn't  be drooling over the new guys" he rubbed his hand as she scowled at him. "I was not going to drool ass face"

"I wouldn't blame you if you did maggs they are really good looking. Maybe August is jealous" I smirk at him making him scoff. "Yeah right, I look at least ten times better than them" Maggie rolled her eyes. "In your dreams ugly".

They never fail to make me laugh, I honestly couldn't ask for better bestfriends. The new group grabbed their lunch and sat down at the circular table in front of us ignoring the constant stares and whispers they were getting, talking like it was another normal day for them. Susie, a girl known for flirting with every guy she met, walked up to the table her confidence practically overflowing and her eyes strictly on the boys sitting in front of her. "Hi...I'm Susie and you are?" she smiled twirling a strand of her blonde hair with her finger. "Not interested, so please leave us alone Susan" The taller boy responding received a small nudge from his friend. "I'm sorry sweetheart you seem....uh interesting but my charming friend and I here aren't really interested in talking right now so could you please excuse yourself back to where you came from we would highly appreciate it" I practically choked on my laughter earning looks from Susan and the table.

Susan furrowed her eyebrows clearly angry. "Who do you think you are? Coming here an-" she was cut off by the mint haired girl who had a slightly deep voice. "Who do you think you are. I'll give you 5 seconds to walk back to your table before I show you who I am". Susie clearly flabbergasted scoffed as the girl's piercing stare was directed at her. "Whatever" Susie turned on her heels and walked away fuming.


Thx so much for reading, I hope you enjoy this story :)

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