chapter one.

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Morning daylight brings no happiness to me.

Coz as am still enjoying the warmth the early morning brings.I will hear Grandma's disgusting voice,"everyone get out of bed it's time for breakfast,rise and shine." She says.

At the table , she's looking at me with her pale eyes ready to criticize me , she's like chilli on a strawberry cake .

Dad is always wearing his taxido , it's so pathetic and old fashioned but granny claims it's astonishing.

For mom's case she is an idler locked up in her room all day,she never really sees the light of day coz of a mental illness that caused her to almost kill her best friend Jade ,the previous year.

Well not only my family is weird,but everyone else around me too.starting with Timothy ,I almost bump intohim every day on my way to school, of course riding on his damn bike ,"can give u a ride?" he asks,I toss him aside but he is insisting like a guy in luv.

Sometimes I think I should have maybe accepted to ride with my annoying dad instead so that I couldn't have to encounter that pest.

At school,Tr.Lina never misses a chance to pick on me, she's the damn hell unbearable,I wish I didn't have to study.

Sophia is my stupid little sis who is such a cry baby, running to me with tears flowing down her face to solve her petty issues.I feel like slapping her in the face ,but I can't, I have to keep my cool.

Jacky is my rival at school , always plotting something to bring me down,but come the day I will show her the real me.she will be flabbergasted that she might pee in her pants ,faint or have one of her asthma attacks.

Her mom will surely come weeping to school trying to win best mom of the year award.

I come back home expecting a warm welcome,but what do I get ,screams from Mom's bedroom,only to check it out to find that ma pathetic parents are fighting,as always they never care whether this affects their three children or no.

Each just wants to showcase their anger am yet to tell them that it is not a talent show.

Grandma of course stays mum saying she does not want to meddle in their business but when it comes to us her grandchildren,it is like we asked for her conceat.She is such a Snoopy old hug.

Little Axle is their crying in his room.He must be hungry.No one bothers anyway,he was born during the time of a family crisis. At least I think he is the only one I care for in that house of misery,my little bro.

As I expected mom ends up bedridden coz of her fight,dad suddenly acts like he really cares about her,but it's all for show ,if he didn't cheat on mom with his mistress Jade ,mom wouldn't have to deal with this crazy nightmare,she just loved dad so much she couldn't believe he was that cruel.

He was no longer the same Anthony who she took vows with at the altar some 10 years ago. This one is now a ruthless monster infact a dare devil.

Sylvia,as always getting her way in into our house,she is so filthy ,I don't know whether I should love, hate or thank her ,can you imagine ,in all people in the world it had to be her to tell mom about dad's infedelity.

Am not sure if she did it as a friend or as a jealous hypocrite. Grandma doesn't really like her coz of the very issue ,I think she didn't want Dad to be found out. I think selfish is the right description for her.

I don't know which side I should take mummy or daddy. But of course I condemn dad,he made mom's life a living hell. If that's how love works,then I guess I better be a nun ,love hurts.

To make the bad part worse ,mom wanted a divorce but dad refused to give it to her. Dad's really out of hand,he gets worse day by day,he is so bitter and has no sense of humour.

He is ever serious at work,no time for his kids or even his wife. I will never forget the day I tried to run away from home coz I couldn't take it anymore,I just hated my family,it was a nasty one a broken family with no unity and no love.

Sadly I was caught during my escape plan ,guess by who ,dad of course ,he said the next time I ever dared to escape,hell would break through from down below.

So, don't see a big mansion and think angels live in their your wrong,not all that glitters is gold and don't judge a book by its cover.

I really hate myself and the people around me.

Hope you loved it till next time.

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