Y/N profile and information.

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Y/N profile and information.

Your looks aren't extremely specific but you were born in the UK and are known as being one of the strongest of your family and a beautiful model.

You have curly hair (up to shoulders) and dark eyes

Your quirk (please read) - Teleportation and Protection.

Idc if you're small, this y/n is around 5'6 sometimes as tall as 6'0 in some chapters.
If u want a specific height in certain chapters do tell me.

Teleportation... you can Teleport. Lol

Emotion- You can make anyone feel any emotion you want. Meaning you can also manipulate what they do or think based on how you want them to feel about you or a certain thing.

You are also way stronger and faster than any human by a lot. Your eyesight, hearing, agility and sense of smell is also way stronger. Your moves are more calculated and precise.

Family - You had 1 brother, he was your twin but he died when you were 19 from a villain.

Both of your parents were killed when you were 16 in a house fire that was caused by people that wanted your families wealth.

You come from a very rich family which means you inherited the money when they died.

(Get that bag. And trauma)

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