💫Wanna Bet?💫- Bucky Barnes

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Y/n's POV

"Ugh, it just sucks being the hottest person in this room." I chuckled as I sat down besides the one and only Bucky Barnes.
"You sure about that doll? I mean, I am sitting right here."

I looked at him and smirked, "yeah, I'm sure."
"Wanna bet?" He argued.
"How do you mean, Barnes?"
He looked at the window for a split second before answering, "Tonight at Starks party. You and I go around and try to get as many kisses as possible. Whoever gets the most is the hottest."
"Barnes, you should know that I'm a man and lady magnet. I'll easily beat you."
He put his arm around me, "You doing so sure, doll."
"That's because I am."
"We'll see about that."
It was now later in the day and I just finished my hair and makeup. I slipped on a beautiful black dress that fit my body type perfectly.

A knock on the door pulled my from my thoughts.
"Come in!"
I heard the door open and a small gasp, "Oh my gosh y/n! You look beautiful! Seems like you want to impress someone!"
I looked behind me and saw Wanda standing there in a gorgeous red dress, wiggling her eyebrows.
"You're one to talk! Look at how beautiful you look!"
"Thank you, y/n. I am going to be accompanying Vision tonight but you are welcome to walk with me."
"I would love that, thank you."
As we entered the party my eyes scanned the crowd.
I felt a cold hand touch my arm as a deep voice spoke, "Thank you, Wanda, but I can take it from here."
I looked at Wanda and she grinned before walking away. She definitely knows something.

"Doll," a voice interrupted my thoughts, "you surely do clean up nice. You look gorgeous."
I looked at Bucky for the first time that night.
His hair was cleanly cut and he confidently wore a suit with a black bow tie.
"I suppose I could say the same for you."
He smirked before saying, "You think I look gorgeous?"
"I do." For the first time tonight, I spoke to him without being sarcastic.

He smiled brightly, "Well then, nothing to do but to do it."
I pulled out a clear lipgloss that tasted like mangos and applied it to my lips seductively.
"I suppose."

With that, I walked away from him with only one purpose for the night. Win.
I walked up to the first man I saw and smiled at him.
"Hi, my name is y/n. I just had to come tell you that your tie really brought out the blue of your eyes."
"Oh does it now?"
I nodded my head and bit my lip, "how about we go get something to drink?" I suggested to the man standing before me.
"That's an amazing idea."
As we walked to the bar I made eye contact with Bucky and stuck my tongue out at him. All he did was lift up two fingers signaling to me that he's already had two kisses. This was going to be a long night.
Around 11 at night, I walked up to Bucky.
"How many kisses have you gotten?"
He smiled down at me, "13, doll."
"13? Oh my gosh."
I shoved my head into his chest and sighed, "This is exhausting."
"I mean, we can just call it now and say I'm the hottest?"
"Not when I'm winning with 21." I giggled.
"I- Y/n what? You're kidding."
"Boo-who." I smirked.
"Oh it is so on."
Bucky walked away from me while I stood there laughing.

The party was almost over so I wasn't that worried about beating him but I decided to try to get one more kiss just to be sure.

I noticed a man sitting by himself at the bar and made him my last target of the night. He had brunette hair that was up in a man-bun.
I sat on the stool right next to him and order a daiquiri.
"Whatcha got there?" I asked the man.
He looked up at me and smiled, "Just an old fashioned." I took note of the heavy french accent.
"What are your doing here tonight?"
As I asked this he sat up, fixing his posture. It took him a second to answer, "I am a friend of Fury's."
"Oh really? I didn't know it was possible for him to have friends." I said jokingly.

I looked around the room and found Bucky. He was talking to some girl and he looked exhausted. It was kind of funny. He looked up and made eye contact with me. I sent him a small smile which he returned.

"You're an avenger, right?" The man next to me  spoke up.
I broke eye contact with Bucky and returned my attention back to him. "Yep, I joined them about two years ago. It's such an honor to work with them. May I just say, your tie really brings out the color of your eyes?" I say using the same line once again.
"Oh really?"
I smile and nod at him before taking a sip of my drink. I noticed a tattoo on his pinkie which consisted of a skull and tentacles. Hydra.

Almost immediately a stabbing pain takes over my abdomen.
"Ow oh my god."
"What are you okay?" The man quickly says. I look over towards Bucky but he's too busy looking at the girl. "I don't know what's happening. It hurts so bad."

I press my hand to my side which barely helps. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
"Here let me walk you."
"No, it's okay." I say knowing he did something to me.
"I insist." He said standing up.

The man wrapped his arm under mine and starts to walk with me.
As we're walking, I loudly yell Tony's name as I see him dancing with Pepper. He looks over and a shocked look washes over his face.

I watch as he calmly walks up to the man and takes me from him, "I can take her. Thank you."

"Is everything okay over here?" Wanda says appearing out of nowhere.

"We we're talking and then she suddenly got a pain in her abdomen." The man answers.
Wanda looked at him a a disgusted look washes over her face. She whispers something to Tony before taking me in her arms.

"So, where were you going to take her?" Tony questions him. "She asked to go to the bathroom so I was going to help her."
"Help her? You know Wanda can read minds right? She knew all if the disgusting things you were going to do to our y/n."

"I don't know what you mean." The man started to back away.

Suddenly there was another voice. "What's going on over here?" I recognized it immediately.
I heard Tony sigh, " Well, this guy drugged
y/n's drink and was planning on taking her for his own...pleasures."

As my vision got even more blurry my world started to spin, "Bucky. It hurts. It hurts so bad."
"Doll, you're okay. You'll be okay. Tony's taking care of him. You're okay."
I felt Bucky pick me up before I passed out.
"It's so bright." I announced as I woke up with a splitting headache.
"Here." Bucky said before closing the blinds.
"What happened?" I asked after taking a small sip of water.

Bucky sat beside me on my bed, "Last night when we were doing the bet some asshole hydra agent decided to drug your drink. I'm sorry y/n. I should've been there to help you."

"Bucky, it's okay. Nothing happened. I'm okay."
Bucky put his head in his hands, "That's the thing. If something did happen I would've never forgiven myself."

I sat up and took his hands, "I'm okay, Bucky. Nothing happened."
"I love you, Y/n."
"What??" I snapped.
"I've loved you for so long. Since the night you came into my room after a nightmare I loved you. You were never afraid of my arm, you accepted me from day one." He admitted.

"I love you too, Barnes."

He leaned closer to me and touched his forehead to mine. He put his hands on the side of my face and the room seemed to fall away. He softly pressed his lips to mine. I have never gotten lost in a kiss before, but I guess there is a first for everything, right? It seems like his hands can't bring me close enough to him. I taste him and realize that I had been starving my whole life. I have kissed plenty of guys but nothing can compare to this. Maybe it lasted a few minutes or hours. Time moved differently with him. All I know is that his stubble is rough when it brushes against my skin. He slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"And that's 22, I win." I smirked.
"Unbelievable." He said kissing me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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