Chapter 1: The Creator and New Life

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Cameron are dead.

Yes, considering how they could see their body lying at the bed, looking pale like a dead person, it was easy to conclude they were dead.

Of course, they didn't think it was surprising, for the doctor had told them how the disease just kept on getting worse each day and he wouldn't live for longer than a few months. It's not like they want to live any longer, life is shit after all.

'But it's too bad that I can't watch Moriarty the Patriot'

While Cameron didn't feel remorseful for dying at a young age, they were rather annoyed that they can't watch their favorite manga being turned into anime. If only they last a few more months he wanted to see how the scenes in the manga were made, it would turn into one of the beautiful anime he had ever seen.

Huffing silently, they wondered if becoming ghost rather than descending to the afterlife was the result of their yearning to watch Moriarty the Patriot.

should they search for human who watches them?

Or maybe they could haunt them to watch the anime it wouldn't be too bad, right?

'Nah, that's a bad thoughts, I should think about my situation but good lord, does the God hate me so much that he doesn't want to meet me?'

Too deep in their thoughts, Cameron didn't see a figure who were standing in front of them, with such a beautiful (fake) smile as their long hair touch the floor. It took them some time to realize that someone was in front of them, still smiling while patiently waiting for them.

They looked curiously at the figure in front of him, "Are you God?" the figure smiled and put their chin high, more sincerely this time, "You bet! But I preferred to be called Creator Ainsworth. Anyway, congratulations for being dead, Cameron Blake, welcome to the land of Middle World where your sins and goods will be balanced!" as the figure who called themselves 'Creator Ainsworth' said that, they had switched place into a somehow similar yet different than earth scenery.

Cameron was weirded out by the figure's speech. "Why am I being congratulated for being dead? And are you sure you are a Creator? I thought you would be, you know older, I guess?" Ainsworth looked offendedly at them. "Are you looking down on me? Darling, I may look like some teenager but I am older than any of your ancestors or even your country's history. Don't piss me off, I could make your soul perish with only a single flick!"

"Okay, okay! Geez, I can see why you used a teenager look," Cameron whispered the last sentences in hope for not being heard. But seeing the glare that was given, the efforts were in vain. Ainsworth sighed, "What a cheeky child for such horrible past I can see why others chose you." Cameron narrowed their eyes towards the figure. "Chosen? By who? And who is we?"

Ainsworth blinked at him before chuckling nervously, "Oh, well you see there are actually many creators, not only me, and we were searching for the perfect soul to be placated into a child, to see if the existence that had known how the world is like could change the circumstances that are set and bound to happen to not happen. You can say it was like a transmigration? Yes, that is the reason, to transmigrate your soul into a child that were bound to die."

Cameron frowned, "So what you're trying to say, is that you're made me die just so you can experiment with my soul?" Ainsworth smile rather innocently. "We, not only me. But yes, we want your soul and to have them we must made you die." Cameron arched their eyebrows at them, "That was a rather straightforward answer, I thought you would search for a useless excuses like 'It was for the greater good!' or something."

The Creator gasped dramatically at them, "And why should I gave you some cliché excuses?! See, this is why teenager this days should learn to not read or watch too much, you would think badly just because someone do the same thing as the cliché bad guy from the book or the movie! Seriously, the disrespect is immense!" Cameron rolled their eyes in disgust. "Stop being dramatic, you're no better than the teacher or karens right now."

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