lumity mermaids

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Luz pov
Me and amity are walking on the beach and i see a glowing shell i almost pick it up but amity stopped me

Amity: luz don't touch it

Luz: why

Amity: its glowing

I pick up the shell and me and amity get pulled into the sea
Me and amity can't breathe underwater then me and amity turn into mermaids

Amity: this is weird

Amity trys to swim and sinks deep down

Amity: luz help me
I swim down and catch her

Amity: thanks luz
We swim around and find a whale and we ride it around
Then we meet a mermaid named ariel

Ariel: hi im ariel

Amity: im amity and this is luz and were from the surface we need to get back can you help

Ariel: yes i can
She grabbed a trident and used it on us
We go to the surface and we turn human

Luz: i missed my legs

Amity: lets go home that was a crazy adventure

We go home and hangout with king

Thanks for reading
If you have any requests let me know

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