I'm Ready To Let Go

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"Yoongi, will you come to bed soon?"

The sweet voice filled Yoongi's ears, making him look up from the laptop in front of him. He couldn't help but smile as he saw her standing in the hall way, a blue blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she waited for him. She had gone to bed hours ago, yet she was still awake waiting for him to come to bed.

"Can't sleep without me?" He teased as he closed the computer and stood up. He had been there all afternoon well into the night. He could give it a break.

Only for her.

"You know I can't sleep without you." She said with a pout. Yoongi kissed it away and grabbed her hand to pull her toward the bedroom.

"Don't pout Y/n. I only want to see those lips smile." He whispered, he brushed a finger over the light blush on her cheeks.



Yoongi understood what she meant now when she said she couldn't sleep without him. He used to tease her for it. He wished now he hadn't as he lay awake for hours staring up at the ceiling. Night after night just trying to fall asleep while all around him he heard her laughter, the soft call of his name from her lips, the way she would get excited and skip across the floor towards him. He could still feel the gentle touch of her as she lay beside him, the way her hair tickled his nose when she moved closer to him.

3:52 am

That's what time it was when Yoongi got out of bed, giving up on the idea of sleep, and left the house. He couldn't be there anymore. She was everywhere. In every room, in every piece of furniture, in every painting that hung on the walls.

Yet she wasn't there.


"Yoongi, push me!" Y/n cheered with a loud laugh from the swing set. Yoongi looked up with his phone pressed to his ear. He let out a silent laugh as he put his finger to his lips to hush her a bit. She stuck her tongue out at him and waved for him to come to her. "You've been on the phone all morning, please spend time with me?"

"Okay, I'll see you Monday."

Yoongi hung up the phone and walked over to where she sat on the swing. She smiled up at him as she snatched the phone from his hands and slipped it in her pocket. He didn't try to get it back, he had been busy the last few days. He could give her an hour.

"Push me?" She asked, he laughed and stood behind her to push her.

"Are you three years old?" He joked as she smiled wider then she had in a while.

The peaceful walk around the park she had planned was ruined by his work, but she seemed happy still.

That's what mattered, right?


You'll never believe who came to see me today

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