Chapter 2: The Failure of the School

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As the bandaged boy walked up to the homeroom teacher, the woman waved him off, telling him to sit wherever he wanted because she didn't care for kids she won't see next year. The boy smiled and waved at me as he walked over, sitting in the seat beside me. Once he placed his bag down, he greeted me, Joe and Sara, all three of them chuckling at my shocked expression.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon!" Ranmaru laughed, turning to me.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-me either. It's n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nice to finally know your name at least," Double damn, I stuttered more than usual, I hope he wasn't able to tell how flustered I was. "My name is (Y/N). S-s-sorry I couldn't tell you earlier."

Joe looked at us with intrigue, "You two have already met before?" The boy held a hand to his pocket as he reached over to give Ranmaru a drink, careful not to let his dog keychain fall out. Damn, everywhere I look I'm reminded of her, of the back-stabbing bitch with crusty copper hair. "How did you two meet?"

"Oh you know," I answered automatically, "We just bumped into each other. He offered to walk me to school l-l-like a gentleman would," I giggle, leaning my skeleton cheek on my hand. 

I could see Sara frowning slightly, and I'm not gonna lie, I was happy about it. I, (Y/N), was able to make THE Sara Chidouin get mad over me meeting her friends made me chuckle to myself. She was literally perfect in every way possible, she was a master at Kendo, incredibly pretty, smart and calm. It's like the goddess Aphrodite herself floated down from her spot on Mount Olympus and crafted Sara with her own two hands. Boys and girls alike would fall in love with her. But not me for some reason, I always felt something didn't pass the vibe check around her, like she was hiding something. And I was right. I'm sure Ranmaru would fall for her too, just give it enough time around her.

Suddenly the bell rang, and our teacher rose from her seat, her legs almost snapping in half every time she took a step. No wonder she was such a bitch, she was like 80 and looked over 100. Wonder who took away her retirement funds. The bell hurt my super sensitive ears, and almost made them bleed, but it's impossible for blood to ruin my beautiful purple look, so I forced it back in. It was Maths first, ugh, I hated that subject. It always meant that the smart kids got to show off and the popular kids got to talk at the back of the class as always, while the dumber students, like me, would struggle. Last time I took a Maths quiz, I got -8748294 out of 10. I didn't even think it was possible and rumours went around that my family bribed my teachers into a good class.

Our teacher was a complete weirdo, he would come to class late and then sit at his desk doing whatever all lesson. He would assign us really really hard sheets so that he didn't have to teach us, and then shout everyone's scores at the top of his lungs. I was always the worst of course. I'd have to endure my classmates' giggles and snickers, but worst of all, I'd have Sara, the smartest girl in the year, express sympathy. It was fine at first, until I noticed the sly smile she would have on her face whenever she would tried to cheer me up. At least Joe was nice to me about it, as well as the others in our friend group. Anzu would always have a relatable experience, without the snickering in her class of course, and Kugie was also as smart as Sara so she would always try to cheer me up to get my mind off of it. Now that I knew Ranmaru, I wondered if he would laugh at me or be as kind as the others.

The teacher came in and began the lesson as if he wasn't 15 minutes late. He told us about the lesson, it was advanced algebra, a topic I had no clue how to do. I never got why letters needed to be mixed with numbers. When we last got algebra homework, I cried into my galaxy wolf print pyjamas for 3 nights until my aunt threw me into the sun for crying too loud. The crusty old man gave my classmate, Yuki, the worksheets to hand out and the day went on as usual with me having a mental breakdown over how a=b and 7=93, and the popular girls gossiping in their corner whilst the social butterflies basically yelled across the room.

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