headcannons ( i )

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- her first bass was a shitty fender

she found in a pawn shop , she begged her mother to buy it for her

-- then she got an upgrade to a blue rickenbacker ( a real one !! ) which was her dads first bass

-- her green jacket used to belong to a boyfriend her mother had , he was one of the first father figures in her life & she kept the jacket after he broke up with her mother

-- sako most definitely wrote ' lost in hollywood ' for her sorry i don ' t make the rules <3

-- chester is the only person who has seen her natural hair , apart from sako & griffin

-- she has no idea how to tie her shoes <3

-- she doesn't like going anywhere without hayko , her dog

-- she can speak some armenian but she's kinda bad at it , sako doesn't mind tho:)

-- HER FIRST CAR IS A MF RED CONVERTIBLE but she was very afraid to drive :)

-- her favourite movie is cheech and chong , up in smoke

-- she first started out with guitar and then gave up because it was too hard

-- she's allergic to cats idk why , she just gives me that kind of vibe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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