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it was the next day, i had woken up from the sun shining in my face ugh i hate this place already. fuck my dad and making me join this.


i walked to the training area where i found the 9 other people. i walked up to a girl with brown hair that was in a ponytail. "do you know where captain Levi is?" i asked tilting my head slightly. she smiled at me "not sure, but i'm Sasha!" i smile back "oh i'm y/n" she looks behind her and points to a boy with shaved grey hair "that's connie" then she points to a boy with longish hair that half was up in a bun "and that's eren. i haven't formally met the others but" i smile. she seems nice. "thanks sasha"

"alright brats i hate having to explain myself twice to listen up" everyone pays their attention to the Captain walking up to us. "you will practice fighting with a partner for today and tomorrow you will fight with me. got it?" everyone nods and pairs up. "y/n! be erens partner!" Sasha blurts out. i look at him and he just looks at me "alright then" i walk towards him.

"hey i'm eren, y/n.. correct?" he asked trying to confirm that he was right. "yup that's me" i smile slightly. "so you think the captain is scary" he asks as he gets in fighting position. damn getting right into it. i do the same "im not sure yet but he sure is strict"  i make the first move swinging my fist. eren dodges it and swings his fist hitting me in the ribs. fuck. i groan and hold my side. "jeez y/n we just started" i laughed off what he said, trying to act tuff "yeah yeah shut it" i get back into fighting position "i let you take the first hit" i smirk knowing damn well i'm going to win this. he tilts his head confused.

after a couple hits i swing my right hand at eren. he dodges it making me smirk. i take my knee bringing it up to his face and taking my left hand gripping his hair lifting his face off my knee. "aww look at you" i take my thumb and wipe off the blood coming down from his nose "poor boy" i smirk and let go of him. he stands up and backs away from me "you bitch".

after a couple more hours of fighting non-stop we were all tired. Captain Levi has dismissed us and told us dinner was soon. i was starving!


i was eating dinner with Sasha, Connie and Eren. we all talked about Captain Levi and how much of and asshole he is. we also talked about our fights with each other today trying to pick up techniques.

Captain Levi walked in and sat down at the other side of the table with Hange and Erwin.

"hey one of you brats get me some tea!" levi demanded and we all looked at each other and no one stood up. i rolled my eyes and stood up and mumbled "pussies".

i got Levi a cup of tea. i don't understand why he couldn't just get it himself. i brought it over to levi lowering it to set it on the table accidentally knocking it off the plate i had set it on. the tea spilled and it went all over Levi. "fuck" he stood up fast. "omg i am so sorry i-" levi looks at me "shut up brat, you had one fucking job and you messed it up" he storms off. my heart felt like it sank to my stomach. i stood there in silence.

hange stands up and puts her hand on my shoulder "it's okay just go apologize, i'll clean this up" i smile and nod "what room is his?" i look at her "room B23"  i smile "thanks" i walk out of the dining room and run down the hall finding his room. fuck i'm scared. he's scary now. what do i do? what do i say?

i reach his room and knock on his door but he doesn't say anything. am i at the right room? i open the door and look inside seeing Levi standing in the middle of his room changing. shit. "sorry" i close the door and put my hands up to my face. i'm so dead.
"come in brat" i hear levi say. i put my hand on the knob twisting it, pushing the door open. "i'm sorry, you didn't answer the first time so i just thought-" i look at him "tch. do you ever shut up" i walk in and the door closes behind me.

"why are you here brat" he says looking at me. "uh i came to apologize for spilling the tea on you.. it was an accident i honestly didn't mean to" i keep my eyes on the floor. "look at someone when you're talking to them y/n" i tilt my head up looking at him "yes sir" is he going to yell at me? why does he seem so calm? "i  can clean ur clothes if you'd like" i twiddle my fingers around becoming nervous. "no i don't want you fucking that up as well" he says bluntly. jeez "oh okay sorry" i stand there silent. "come over here" he crosses his arms looking at me.

i walk over to him standing in front of him. he looks at me and lifts up my shirt. um wtf... "uh sir" my face gets bright red. he touches my side gently running his finger up and down. he presses harder in the area eren had punched earlier making me wince in pain "fuck" i mumbled. he puts my shirt back down. "you better still be able to fight tomorrow" he looks at me with a somewhat angry face. "i'll be fine sir"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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