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He hadn't sorted anything, she felt so stupid that she had believed him. It had been more than a week since they had kissed in the kitchen and everything was still the same. Germán was still with Pricilla and Angie's heart still broke every time she saw them. It was Valentines day and Angie had been talking to Pablo and had decided she wanted to be nowhere near the house she couldn't take it, especially today, so Pablo had agreed to meet her early for breakfast. She was creeping downstairs trying not to wake anyone especially not Germán. She got to the bottom of the stairs and was startled when she heard his voice "are you avoiding me?" Germán had woken early to take Pricilla to the airport she had to visit Spain for a business meeting. She looked over at him and walked and sat beside him "what are you doing up? It's early." She told him and he smirked turning so he was facing her. "I could ask you the same thing." He pushed some of her hair behind her ear and she smiled "I'm meeting Pablo for breakfast." He shot her a look and she sighed "don't give me that look! It's not going to make a difference to you anyway you'll be to busy with your girlfriend." She got up and walked to the door "I'll see you later." She shut the door and went off to meet Pablo. Germán sighed and walked to his office. She'd finally calmed down by the time she'd got to cafe she smiled as saw Pablo waiting for her with a bouquet of flowers. He waved at her and she walked over to him and smiled "thankyou for this I know it wasn't exactly how you'd planned on spending your day. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it slightly "I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone but my best friend." She smiled as she looked up at him "me too." He laughed "we both know that's not entirely true." She blushed "could we not speak about him the whole point of this is so that I don't have to think about him." He smiled "yeah of course." She smiled sweetly at him and had a drink of her tea. After they had both eaten they had decided they would just go to Pablo's and watched a few movies. By the time the second film had finished Angie fell asleep her head resting on Pablo's shoulder. She was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing she sighed as she saw Germáns name "what do you want?" She heard him sigh on the other end of the line "It's Violetta you need to come...please." He hung up and she jumped up quickly putting her coat on. She wrote a note for Pablo who was still asleep and kissed his cheek before running out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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