Chapter 2: The art of drinking

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A/N I would like to dedicate this chapter to two of my friends.  L. M. (You know who you are) for being my pillar of strength and for making my weekend such a joy. The second person is @Ella_Mentry for introducing to me wattpad.  Now for the fun to start.
It was at two the morning that the two detectives were woke up. Steaming coffee as their friend they were waiting at the union building.  The dark figure of the round headed president was there along with the police commissioner.  "Gentlemen,  welcome.  Unfortunately we cannot have met at my place, they are busy with plumbing. " the president aaid and let the commissioner explain the situation.  "As you have figured it out we have used the two gentlemen who transported the rhinos as bait. While they are leading the criminals around South Africa.  Your mission is to help keep Nkandla safe." "Mister president, we agreed that they will figure out who took the Rhinos and also where the Rhinos are. They will also get the master behind this operation. " "Doctors do operations" "criminal operation then sir" "sounds much shorter"

The border had  a small bar between Zimbabwe and Botswana.  This bar was famous for the rock&roll that it played and was aptly named Rock&roll bar and café.  This was where the drivers came before accepting to get the Rhino in Botswana from a farmer who still had a few unharmed Rhino.  It was here they had a meeting with the SAN park management.  Thus the two detectives came straight to it to find lut some answers. It was an excellent place to find some drinks.  A beer cost R8 and coke was sold at R6 for a half liter. Heaven was a way of discribing the place.

The music hypnotised the detectives into buying at least a whole case of beer and a crate of coke.  Thsy were drinking at least half  of the beer in the bar itself. The coke forgotten in the boot of the car. They walked ouf clinging to knw another for stability.  A head rush causes the onw to throw up the stomachs contenta all over the body of the police vehicle.  It causes the other to laugh and throw up onto the first detective. They were laughing still and passed out eventually next to the vehicle.

Two hundred kilometers out, the drivers were sitting on the border with papers asking permission to look for the Rhino's and a charter to deliver another set of Rhino to the SANPark. The charter was as accurate as possible. Dates and times were already filled out to when the Rhino should be picked up and who would be in the convoy. It was one part of the whole mission that was critical. The border should be made aware of what was coming their way.

A/N well guys as promised lesa afrikaans, but I also still need to add to this chapter and edit it further.  I am currently updating on a plane to where the Christian Mass Murders are taking place. So think of me while you are reading this. 

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