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    *why did Fury even drag me into this* Quinn was caring her two siblings in her arms while she had her duffel bag on, she was annoyed and very unhappy Fury dragged her from her training just to bring her and her siblings to meet the Avengers, Fury has told them about. 

*Fury you are so dead when i get my hands on you* she thought as she walked by him. *So sleep with one eye open tonight, even though you only have one eye left, i suppose you sleep with it open and keep an eye on that one fucking eyeball you got left* she seemed very annoyed at this.

 as much as her siblings mean everything to her, the one thing you never do is take Quinn away from her training. but even though her siblings know Quinn's number one rule, Family comes first no matter what. Quinn always went by that rule.

but that wasn't the case for Fury. "i hate you ya know that" she says not even looking at him while keeping her unhappy expression on her face. "i am very much aware of that Deadshot

 Quinn" she rolled her eyes. "that sounds more stupid then the nick name, Deadshot" Quinn said as they walked in the Avengers tower, all of the Avengers were in the meetings room sitting at

the table all around while they were talking to make time fly while they waited for Fury to arrive with the new he planned on telling them about. "wait here when i call you in you will meet everyone ok"

 Fury said as they stopped in front of the meetings room. "whatever just make this quick so i can go back to training, Fury, im already mad that you took me away from training just to meet random people" Quinn said annoyed. Fury rolled his eye and walked in the room.

Quinn set her siblings on their feet and as she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed she watched her two siblings hold hands while they swung their locked hand in the air back and

 forth. "thank you all for coming, as you may not know the reason i called you all in today is because i have someone i would like you to meet, although as much as i really do thank you for coming i am having them staying here with all of you, they need to be taken care of and

need a place to stay, and i am trusting all of you to watch over them, i would like you to meet a few friends of mine, You guys can come in now" Fury called out before Quinn took her siblings hands and they walked in the doors. 

Quinn had her face mask on while she had her uniform on. every Avenger saw one Teenager with two younger kids, that were toddlers. "This is the Avengers leader, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America" Quinn raised an eyebrow.

"so this is America's ass, huh" Quinn said before her younger sister held back her smile while the brother held back his smile. "no cussing in the tower, that's my rule" Steve Rogers the tall blond

 blue eye man said with a straight face. "this is Tony Stark, aka Ironman" Quinn smirks under her mask slightly. "so the Stubborn stick up smartass Playboy billionaire, who thinks he knows everything" Stark raises both of his eyebrows and cocked his head to his left, a little effunded at her words. 

"ok who's idea was it to bring her here" Tony said with a annoyed tone while looking at Fury. " ʻO Nick Fuck Fury ka mea i pili i ka manaʻo fuck" (nick fucking fury that's who the fuck idea belonged to apparently)

Quinn says in her langue before her siblings broke out in laughter while giggling as well.  "mai hana hou i ka mea aʻu i ʻōlelo ai inā ʻaʻole wau e hoʻomaʻamaʻa iā ʻoe" (don't ever repeat what i just said otherwise i will make you train), the two siblings stopped laughing and looked at the ground still holding their big sisters hands.

"this is Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow" Fury says before a redheaded girl stood up and looks at the Teenaged girl. "so this is the Black Widow....oh i like her" Quinn smirked before Natasha smirked back. "i think you and i will get along nicely" "i think so to" the two girls smirked before Bruce Banners said something.

"i think it will be best if we didn't put those two in a same room together" Bruce said a little concerned and worried. "this is Bruce Banners, aka the IN creditable Hulk" Quinn nods and

 looked at Bruce. "the brains with the famous Tony Stark, big green dude within you and the scientist in the group. pleasure" they shook hands as Bruce smiles. "you know about us" 

"Fury never shuts up about you Avengers" Fury looked at Quinn with both his brows raised. "so i take it he gets on your nerves, huh" "you have no idea how much i would rather do just to get

 away from him" everyone laughed while Fury rolled his only eye. "this is Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye" Quinn walked over to Hawkeye and shook his hand. "good to see you again Clint"

"last time i saw you was in your village you were just a kid, you grown since the last time we encountered" Clint said with a bit of a smirk. "indeed i did. how are your kids and wife" "they are

 doing just great, im glad i get to see you again after that night with your parents" Quinn sighs but smiles a bit, although no one was able to see it. "i remember that night like it was just hours before" Clint and Quinn smile a bit.

"you two know each other" Natasha asked. "indeed we do, he saved my village once, that very night we met because my Mother and Father got into a fight, so when i took a walk in the village i

 went to the woods and he saved my village from enemies killing my people. and for that he gave me a reason to stand up and be who i am today," Quinn answers with a small smirk. Clint put an arm around Quinn's shoulder and laughs. "its been awhile, we need to do some catching up" "indeed we do"   

Quinn says. "anyways this is Wanda Maximoff" the two girls shook hands and smile. after meeting each Avenger Fury put his hands on Quinn's shoulders. "this is Koa Quinn, and her two younger kids Kailina was it---

Fury for the love of god get the name right or i swear to god i will blast you out of the window, its Kailani" Quinn said with small playful frown. "right, Kailani and this is her brother, Lio" she threw her hands up in the air. "so you got Lio right and not me, im hurt" everyone laughed as Kailani crossed her arms turning her back on Fury as she playfully pouts. 

Quinn picked up Kailani and smiles. " ʻAʻole nānā ka huhū i kekahi manawa, ʻo ia ke kumu he asshole nui ʻo ia" (Fury just doesn't care, that's why he's a big asshole) Kailani broke into laughter as her brother giggles and he reaches his arms out to Quinn. "i am not" Fury said. "oh yes you are" 

Quinn said with a smirk. " just because you speak another langue that doesn't mean i cant understand you" then Quinn and her two siblings smirk widely. she called Fury a Fat Ass in the

 Ancient Native Langue before the three of them broke into laughter and Fury looks at them. "since when did you speak other langue's" Fury said with "are you serious" look. Quinn only smirked. "since the day i was born Fury" her two siblings still laughed before they stopped,

 eventually. "ok the kids are yours, take care of them, Quinn behave with Steve, im going on a mission and i wont be back for a long time. so i expect that you wont disobey Steve Tony or Strange, and that goes for the two little one's behind you" the two little one's giggle and ran over to Natasha and Steve, hiding behind the two of them.

"soooo this means i can go back to training now, you already wasted 59 minutes of my time" Fury sighs sharply and rubbed his face with his hands. "yes you can go back to training now, be on your best behavior Quinn, that goes for the two of you over there" the two little one's giggle and Fury left the tower, leaving the three kids with Steve and the Avengers.

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