Act V

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Dear Britt,

So this is domestic married life? Huh, it feels familiar to how we were before, but I only think that's because we've been in our honeymoon phase for literal years now. But officially, or according to the state of Indiana, we've been married for a month already. I still can't believe it.

We decided to move that honeymoon from Sue to over the summer just because we are still students. Like we left Thursday night because that was the last class we had for the week, got married, and went back to class on Monday as wives. Like what? I'm just so unbelievably happy to be married to you.

I know there were a lot of people that said we are too young to get married, but I know that we're gonna prove them all wrong. You are everything to me. My best friend, my love, my life, my other half, my wife, my soulmate. I will choose you every day for the rest of our lives.

I remember when I started this, writing letters. I was six years old. My parents were still married, albeit not happily. I was in love with my best friend before I knew what love was. I thought I knew who I was and wanted to be. I wrote so many letters and diary entries. It started because it was what my therapist wanted, but 13 years later I still am writing, but so many things are different. This time, I'm the one who's married to my same best friend who knows for sure that I am in love with her.

I don't think I need to write so many letters anymore because now you're here all the time, not that it stopped me before. I think I may revert back to only writing when things are really important, but who knows. I also don't know why I have to tell this to my diary as if it's counting on a schedule.

Anyway, this is just a really long way of telling you I love you. So, I love you, wife. And I promise I always will.

With love, San


Dear Britt,

We actually managed to complete our first whole year of college, even with the surprisingly high amount of classes we missed and considered getting the fact we literally got married in the middle of a semester. I'm so glad we decided to go back to school. I might even say I missed it. Maybe it's because I'm finally taking classes that I'm interested in. I got good grades and passed my exams and I made some really good friends and I think I'm totally crushing my internship. I even heard rumors that they may even be looking to hiring some people. New York has been so much better to me since you got here.

This summer we have that honeymoon that Sue planned for us and that means just a month of me admiring you in a bikini (again). I don't have to be anything besides your wife. And if that's all I ever do, that's fine with me.

With love, San


Dear Britt,

For all the shit Sue put us through, at least we got a honeymoon out of it. There really just is something about waking up next to you naked in our own little hut as we gallivant from beach to beach across the world. We've done the whole tropical getaway thing before, but this time it's not on our own money. And let me tell you, there are worse things than getting wine-drunk with you and taking midnight walks on the water and having sweet lady sex and exploring towns and watching you get excited over the sea turtles and wow I love you.

We do have to eventually get back to our real lives soon. We go back to New York next week but I will cherish these last few days we have here because I do not want to think about anything else but you right now.

With love, San


Dear Britt,

As nice and relaxing as this summer was, I think I needed to go back to classes right about now or else I was going to lose my mind. Just Type A things, am I right? Year 2 at NYU, here we come. I think this year I want to get more involved in more college things, you know? Last year there was a lot going on (see getting married!) and I don't know if I got the quintessential college experience yet. I saw there were some music clubs and groups maybe I'll check out. Speaking of music, my internship is no longer an internship. Your girl is employed at a major recording studio and record label! I'm really excited, and not only because that means we will have a more reliable source of income, but because I really enjoy working there. I told you I think that something good will come out of it, and you said that you knew that I was going to do big things, and that's all the encouragement I need.

With Love, SanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu