Outside :)

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Alexas POV
After we all ate Colby and I went outside we played basketball and I wanted to dunk so I asked Colby to help me, he then picks me up and I dunked the ball in the net it was so fun. Colby then puts me down and I hug him super tight after that and say "colby I don't ever wanna lose you I love you with all of my heart 🥺" he then said "awww baby your so cute I don't wanna lose you either I love you so much and I want to have you in my life forever 🥺" I started to tear up bc none has ever said that to me ,Colby then picks me up and hugs me we r now In the middle of the basketball court hugging I love Him so much as I'm crying in his arms.
Kats POV
After we eat Alexa and Colby go outside and Sam and I are inside we kissed and cleaned up after breakfast we also start to clean up from the party last night I was also wondering why Alexa and Colby left the party so early anyways sam and I finish cleaning and go to the window to look outside and see Colby holding Alexa  in the middle of the basketball court hugging Sam and I say "awww there so cute" I then say to sam" Colby must be so happy to finally have a girlfriend I'm so happy for them " Sam says "yeah I agree"
Colbys POV
After a while of hugging Alexa I put her down and run to the trampoline and start jumping she then gets on and started jumping i then to a flip to impress her she smiles and starts clapping after about an hour of being outside it's like 11:30 so we go inside while we r walking to go inside I push Alexa in the pool and she grabs me so we both go in. I laugh and she laughs we go inside and see Sam and kat i then go over to Sam and say" hey bruva wanna hug" as I'm soaked "sure bruva " Sam says , we hug and now Sams soaked. We all die laughing after that Alexa and I go upstairs to change she gets naked and "needs" clothes (she just wants to wear mine ) so I give her my xplr shatter hoddie and some joggers I then get dressed into dry clothes and we go downstairs to see Sam and kat.

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