Chapter 2

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As Ezra and Sabine joined the emper they where both more in love with each other now as Ezra and Sabine got married together.

Ezra's pov
I was fighting against the rebels as I was killing them with my lightsaber and I was using my blaster too I shot one of them as they where trying to get up (oh no you guys are going to hate me for this) I walked up to see it was clone trooper captain Rex he turned around and pointed his blaster at me but I cut off his right hand as he screamed out of pain as he said do it kill me said Rex, Ezra looked at Rex as Ezra turned off his red lightsaber as he put one of his hands onto his helmet and took it off of him as Ezra dropped the helmet onto the ground as Rex said Ezra? Said Rex, yes it is I said Ezra, but why? Why join the emper said Rex, me and Sabine join the darkness and the emper said Ezra, I see said Rex as he grabbed his second blaster but Ezra shot Rex into his chest killing Rex. Then Ezra heard two lightsabers turned on as Ezra grabbed his helmet and put it back on himself as Ezra turned around to see aksoa tano (I don't know how to spell her name right) Ezra? Why? Said aksoa as she attacked Ezra as Ezra turned on his red lightsaber as they both got into a saber lock as Ezra said I did it because I'm a sife lord said Ezra as aksoa said no you're not I still can feel the light side in you still said aksoa, there is no lightside within me no more I killed it said Ezra as he grabbed his blaster and stunned aksoa as she fell down onto the ground as she dropped her lightsabers as Ezra said my master will be pleased to see you said Ezra as two death troopers picked up aksoa and took her into a ship as Ezra picked up her lightsabers.

Later on

Vader's pov
I felt something wrong in the force as I heard the blast door opened behind me as I got up and turned around to see who it was in was my old apptes akokal tano. The death troopers though her onto the ground as Ezra walked into the room as he knelt down and said my master said Ezra, what did you being me this time? Said Vader, her name is aksoa tano my master and theses are he lightsabers said Ezra as Vader used the force to grab the lightsabers and said to Ezra very good my student said Vader. Thank you my master said Ezra. You can leave us now said Vader, yes my master said Ezra as he got up and walked to the blast door as Ezra had a feeling somethings wrong. Ezra turned around to see Vader behind him as Vader said go now said Vader Ezra just walked out of the room away from Vader as Ezra was still scared of his new master.

To be continued..............................

What did you guys think about this new chapter? Tell me if you still want to read it and I'll continue working on this book again and then the terminator book next after this chapter.

and remember the force will always be with you.


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