It Was Magical

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Mordicai's POV

It was my first day in Ponyvill. I'm bot sure what possessed me to go to a town full of pony's but i was desperate to find my person. 

Once I was off the train, I headed to my new house. It was a small, but cozy one floor cottage. It was made of light stone bricks and had a wooden roof that pointed up. There were flowers in the yard of the colors blue and purple.

I stepped inside and got myself situated before I went to town. 

As I wondered around, I saw a cafe and had the urge to get a cup of coffee. I ordered a black coffee (like my soul cause I'm emoooo). 

Once I left I noticed a library. I had the plan to check out a book and read it in the bakery next door.

I walked in and immediately inhaled the sent of old books. A sent so comforting I felt right at home. While I was there I explored the different sections, sipping on my coffee.

As I turned the corner in romance section a bit too fast, I bump into a sparkly purple unicorn. Coffee spilling on my chest, her mane, and the floor.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sor-" she pauses and looks up at me.

"Oh wow" she whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh! Um nothing. Here let me help" she shakes her head while grabbing some tissues from her bag.

She immediately starts wiping my chest before anything else. A red blush covers our cheeks.

"I-I-I got it" I laugh nervously.

"Oh! Yes! Of course!" She lets me take the tissue from her hoove. 

We awkwardly clean ourselves before I thank her.

"O-o-o-o-oh i-i-i-it w-w-w-w-was n-n-nothing!"

We stare at each other. I don't know how long, but long enough to see the sparkles in her eyes, mane (even with the coffee in it), and even her skin. It was mesmerizing. She had blue and pink streaks in her mane that shaped her face. Her eyes felt like they knew me just by looking into my soul. It was magical.  

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