Fire, Strength, and Dreams (2)

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At the same exact time that Kiran was walking into his test, and the same for his twin, Cain was smirking deeply as he stepped into his test zone.  Almost immediately Bakugou was upon him. Cains head buzzed and he immediately ducked under the right hook. He grabbed the boys arm in a steel grip and threw him hard into a building then leaped backwards into the test city even more.

Bakugou growled as he wrestled himself out of the hole and spat out a little spit. He wiped off his mouth and smirked. He remembered when Cain fought Izuku on the beach when they first met, and has been wanting to fight him since then.  Now, he was definitely not being disappointed.

"Come on Boom Boom, I thought you'd put up a better fight then this!!" Cain catcalled, teasing the Pomeranian into growling and lunging at him.

Cain grinned widely as he countered Bakugous blows and struck back with his own, but now Bakugou was heated up and he could feel his sweat dripping down his body.

As they fought Cains eyes started to glow orange and he seemed to get faster, pushing Bakugou back, making the Pomeranian growl and try to fight back.  Cain was gaining strength with the sun, along with something else, which came into play as Bakugou was finally able to get a hand into his face and let off an explosion at point blank range, making Cain stop his assault and let Bakugou jump back.

Cain started chuckling in the smoke as Bakugou sneered, "That was a good one Boom Boom, but sadly," the smoke cleared and Bakugou was dumbfounded since Cain didn't have a mark on him, "It didn't work on me, nothing fire related will, sorry to say."

Cains grin went feral as he pushed his feet into the ground and blasted forward, with a frightening burst of speed. Bakugou barely had time to brace himself before Cain was beating down on him again.

"Come on Boom Boom! Fight me!!" Cain screamed and threw a punch which Bakugou dodged and brought a leg around and kicked him in his side, breaking the connection of the boys as Cain backed away clutching his side.

"That's better! I knew you had some fight in you!" Cain growled with a feral grin as Bakugou returned the gesture, and the two boys went at it again.

Their fight dragged on for a few more minutes before a buzzer sounded and the two broke apart, panting and covered in sweat, but a wide grin was on both of their faces.

"Alright you two, cool off and hit a shower in the changing rooms." Aizawas tired voice crackled out over the intercom.  Bakugou and Cain shared a small fist bumped as they left their test site, ready for a shower.



Jinx smiled as she walked into the testing site and looked around taking note of pipes and buildings, then she zipped up her jacket, and activated her quirk.

Small purple particles started to come out from the inside of her jacket and sticking to pipes and buildings as she walked. Her eyes glowing purple instead of the normal dark grey color, and she was smirking slightly.

She bent down to her high top and pulled out a short metal cylinder that was on the side of the shoe. As she straightened (😂) up and pressed a button which made the cylinder elongate into a full on bo-staff.

A glint came into her eyes and she smirked, "Step one: complete." She whispered as Dark Shadow made his appearance with a few purple sparkles near his eyes.

He rushed at her but he was moving slower then normal as she batted him aside with the bo-staff and more purple particles attached onto him and he yawned.

"What's going on?" Dark Shadow asked but Jinx only responded with a smirk as she followed his connection with him behind her.

Soon she happened upon Tokoyami who stared at her, and she smirked, she felt more particles leave from under her jacket before they stopped.

"Step 2: Complete." She said as she started to get closer to Tokoyami.

"For a hero student, you made one grave error in fighting against me, and using him," she gestures to Dark Shadow, "as a scout."

Dark Shadow pulled back to Tokoyami, who started yawning, "What do you mean?"

"My quirk is called NightDust, like a certain Heroines sleeping mist, my dust particles make any entity start to fall asleep on contact."

"Step 1: Cover the area in particles thanks to clothes made of my hair,"  The scene shimmered purple showing where all the dust was, "Step Two: activate the dust to start sinking my opponent into a dreamlike state." She said as Tokoyami started to stumble and Dark Shadow retreated back into Tokoyami.

"Finally, Step Three:  My opponents fall into a dream world." She said and right on cue Tokoyami started to fall, but Jinx rushed forward and caught him.

She then snapped her fingers and all the dust started to move back to her and under her jacket, even the ones on Tokoyami, including the ones left by dark shadow when he pulled back into him.

She sighed as she felt the dust back under her jacket and unzipped it, "He never realized why my jacket was zipped up the entire, if it had come undone he would have been a blushing mess, no matter how stoic he seemed." She whispered to herself as she grabbed an arm and pulled him up.

"Alrighty, come on bird boy, let's get you back to your girlfriend, and maybe she won't kill me." She said as she took his arm around her neck and pulled him along next to her.

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