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I have to admit, I was nervous. Really, nervous. As Will walked in with a ton of medical stuff, my hand started shaking, and then I felt it. I was having a panic attack. Thankfully, Will noticed and knew just what to do.

"Hey... ok... just breathe in and count to five. Then breathe out and count to five. Piper, look at me, follow my breathing." I eventually was able to breathe normally. "So... Jason tells me you aren't feeling well. What's wrong?" "Oh well umm... I've been throwing up all morning, and my stomach really hurts, my head hurts, and I feel really dizzy lately," I layed backwards onto my pillow. "Sounds like... nevermind," Will started. I was getting freaked out. I looked over at Jason, who seemed to notice how anxious I was getting. He gave me a sympathetic smile and held my hand. "Ok then, lift up your shirt. I need to examine your stomach." Will seemed to notice my confused look. I pulled my shirt up just so my stomach was exposed. He started to feel around my tummy and I winced when he reached the middle of my stomach. Jason must have thought Will was hurting me, because he looked at me, as if to say Should I punch him? I smiled at him, as if to say Don't worry, he's not hurting me. He eventually finished examining me. "It seems as though you have a Stomach bug. It happens to demigods more often than you'd think. I'll come back and check you tomorrow. For now, keep drinking this." Will handed me a bottle of nectar and ambrosia. Once Will left, Jason came over to my bed. "So, do you feel any better?" He asked. "I'd feel a bit better if you came over here and kissed me." I looked at him and made a cute face. "Hey, you finally convinced me without charmspeak!" He came over and kissed me passionately. He then kissed my neck. He looked down.

"Can I?"

"Go for it."

"Are you sure?"

"When am I not sure?"

I smirked as he started to take off his top, and then mine. He kissed my chest and then kept going down. "Oh... yes... yes Jason... ohhhhhhh," I moaned. I rubbed my hand against his thigh, as he placed little kisses on my tummy. He started back up and then let his hand trickle down my body. "Did I mention I love you, Piper McLean?" I rolled my eyes. "Hmmmm, about maybe a hundred times?"

"Well now I'm saying it again."

"I love you too, Jason Grace."

I smiled as I fell asleep in his arms. 

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