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He watched helpless as the door closed behind her.

All he could remember was the elusive vision she described. The vast grasslands that reflected such a vivid green color, it was unimaginable; the subtle and gentle breeze that excited her dress into doing a little dance. The hills, were far out into the background - seemingly small - but as you got closer, they seemed more like strong mountains protecting the field below it.

The place itself was so calm and serene, contrasting the bloody mess she had on her glowing white dress as she gracefully danced barefoot as if she had been freed from imprisonment. She was like a single white lily trapped in a so called paradise that protected her from reality. 

But as it was meant to be, reality caught up to her and there was nothing he could do to protect her. She had committed the worst crime imaginable, "dreaming." As beautiful as it was, her common birth did not permit her to experience such a pleasure. 

He now understood what her dream meant.

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