Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“You know, we could just do this my way?” I say to Chase. He seems to be under the impression that he can just ask and his parents will willingly admit that they’re working with the humans. I’m not so confident. I think spying would be best. I could get us into their room and cloak us, so they’d be none the wiser while we listen into their conversations and snoop for any evidence in the room.

“We aren’t spies, Ror,” he says.

“I’m pretty sure it’s not that hard.”

“You need to stop thinking that just because a movie made it look easy that it is.” I make a face, mocking his words - childish? Sure, but who cares? - and stop quickly when he lets out an exhausted sort of sigh. I groan. Loudly. 

“I don’t think that,” I insist but Chase just gives me a bored look. “Ok, I think it a little, but I don’t think this is going to work any better,” I tell him but we go along with his plan. He confronts his parents while I listen in, without being seen of course. I guess either way, I get to play spy a little bit. But my real plan is option b, for when this doesn’t work even a little.

We turn down the hall for the Avery’s room, which I must say is much nicer than ours. Yeah, even just the hallway is nicer. Ornate carpeting lines the floor instead of the blue, rough carpeting in our hallway that is seen in nearly every office across the nation. The hall even has fancy crownmolding. Apparently those with more lavish lifestyles didn't want to give that up... even when hiding. I guess there are upsides to being mobsters. I do a quick glance around to make sure that no one is watching and then work my Glamour, sure to mask every bit of, including my heartbeat.

Chase turns, probably to say something, but stop when he realizes I’ve already gone invisible. When we reach their room, Chase knocks on the door. It doesn’t take long for his father to open it.

“Son,” he says pleasantly and glances around to confirm that Chase is alone before inviting him in. He looks releived to see that his son is standing before him alone. My jaw grinds tightly and my fists clench. I know the dude doesn't care for me, but it still bothers me that he's glad I haven't tagged along. 

“Who’s at the door, darling?” Celeste’s voice rings from the bedroom. The inside of their place is even nicer, not just a room, a full apartment. “Oh, Chase. How pleasant of you to stop by, dear,” She says walking into the living area where we’re waiting. The relief on her face is visible when she scans the room to see that I haven’t joined Chase. Bitch. Chase notices too because he glances uncomfortably around the room, worried that I might do something stupid like punch his mother right in her perfect - probably paid for- nose. 

“Hey mom,” he greets stepping forward to kiss her cheek.

Please excuse me while I barf.

“What brings you son?” Ken asks.

“Why does something have to bring me?” Chase retorts as he flops on their couch. He's a much better liar than I am. So relaxed as if he doesn't have much care in the world. But I know the truth. Chase is dying on the inside as he waits to know the truth. His parents are either just assholes, something he's known his whole life and something that has rubbed off on him, just a tad. Or they're genuine enemies. That's a hard thing to come to terms with.

 “Can’t I just want to see my parents?” He sounds so much more innocent than I thought was possible.

“Is something on your mind sweetheart?” Celeste asks sitting down on the couch next to Chase. I'm sure she can read his emotions enough to know he's hurting about something, but thankfully she can't tell what. And hopefully she'll assume incorrectly like we planned for. She reaches over and pats his leg in a motherly way and for a second I feel awkward about witnessing this. They’re actually a kind of sweet family. I can feel the love for her son radiating from Celeste and for a moment I feel guilty for possibly ripping a family apart. Then Celeste says, “It’s that girl isn’t it?” and all those thoughts disappear.

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