Chapter 4

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It was Saturday, and mommy and daddy chose to stay at home with Hyewon. Cuddling, pampering, cooing, playing, singing and all type of activities for babies. Until it was almost evening, Hyewon was left playing alone in her room, of course with fully safety and security.

The cctv were always on, her surrounding are kept safe with removable fence, the  little gate that put across her frame door, ton of pillows and plushies that 5 times bigger than her, carpeted floor, soft and without-sharp edges toys, the window are too high and sealed tightly. Even the door are block with the cute ladybug door blocker tool. Maybe its look like a little overprotective but hey, this is big ass house, 2 storey with stairs. That is normal for parents who had a 4 years old little daughter.

To be honest, Hyewon was still in struck. Maybe a little. She has learnt that her so called mommy and daddy are both specialist doctors in elite high-class hospital. She is the only daughter and both of her parents love her like crazy.

And the most important thing, she is Choo Hyewon. Not that Choo Hyewon who was an orphan, the famous novelist, but Choo Hyewon, the villain in her own story, that she wrote like 10 years ago before she got hit by a truck.

Surprised? Hell, she almost curse in this 4 years old body. Like, how is it possible to reincarnated? She then tired to think and just assumed it as miracle. Maybe god just want her to get a proper, perfect life?

She lay down on the carpeted floor, supporting her own head with random pillow. And eventhough her mind is a little bit mature and adult, she still got the baby behaviours even when she didn't meant to. Like, she didn't want to cry but she just did. As if it was natural and spontaneous. Just like a real kid. But Hyewon didn't really bother with that.She just follow every surrounding and how her body wanted to react. She could care less. Plus, she is just 4 years old, too small to act so logically.

Suddenly, something hit her hard. She abruptly sat straight. Thinking hard.

" Wait.. if i was reborn as the villain in my novel, does that mean I will end like in the novel too? Psycho and sent to asylum? Going insane just because of stupid obssession? Over a guy? What the-,"

And then she cried. Loud.


Her parents then came running to her room, panic, scooping her off the floor, cuddling to her, cooing her.

She's upset. Of course she's upset! What the hell is wrong with this Choo Hyewon? She's pretty, the only daughter of the rich household, her parents love her like crazy, but then she choose to go crazy over a guy who didn't like her back?!

And the one thing she should remember, she wrote that kind of storyline before being one of the famous author in her previous life.

Hyewon still sobbed, still being coo by the parents. She lightly clenched her mommy's blouse. Clenched the soft material between her small hands, determinely plant her future.

' I'm not going to craze over a guy in this life! I'm better off single till my last breath. As long as I don't fall in love with that guy, and make sure he end up with the love of his life, I'll be fine! '

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