Love is in the air

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Yeji if you don't mind can you hang out with me- Haruto

Yea sure- Yeji

Yej pov

Jeongwoo would be waiting for me but sorry jeongwoo.

After lunch jeongwoo went to yeji but yeji was hanging out with his friend haruto, maybe she feel's nice with him so jeongwoo went 

jeongwoo decided to walk away, there lia saw him

Hi jeongwoo- Lia

Oh hi- jeongwoo

Want to hang out- Lia

Sure- jeongwoo

I guess yeji really likes hanging out with haruto - Lia

Uh yea- Jeongwoo

Jeongwoo do you have crush on anyone- Lia

No why?- Jeongwoo

Oh just asking- Lia

I need to go to the toilet-jeongwoo

Oh k - Lia

As jeongwoo left he saw yeji who wa smaking her way to the toilet too.

He grabbed her wrist and pins her to the wall

Why you did'nt hangout wiht me- Jeongwoo

because haruto asked me first- yeji

And why were you hanging out with lia?- Yeji

Because she just asked me- Jeongwoo

Oh k u can go hangout with her- yeji

ooo looks like soemone's jelous- jeongwoo'

why would i be jealous- Yeji

And look whose been jelous of me and haruto- Yeji

No, i am not jealous

Oh really ok then bye i am going with haruto- Yeji

wait as he held her wrist and pulled her closer and kissed her 

You are hanging out with me- jeongwoo

Fine- yeji

Btw how are you - jeongwoo

Tired- Yeji

I can't even walk- Yeji

Sorry about yesterday if i would have not done that, you would have been fine- jeongwoo

Shh she places her finger on jeongwoo's lips 

It's not your fault i understand

you were'nt in control and you did whatever came in your mind

ok let's go now

suddenly lia was coming carying books and she suddenly fell but thanfully jeongwoo held her

Yeji- What's happening to me why do i care am i jelous???

Are you ok lia??- yeji

Uh yea-Lia

Here i'll  help you- jeongwoo

thankyu- lia

As they went in yeji suddenly felt dizzy an feel on the ground

after they came back jeongwoo saw yeji and quickly carried her to hospital

Yeji, are you fine-Lia

Then haruto came

When they reached hospital

Is this your wife/gf the nursue asked jeongwoo

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