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Dear Rhiannon.,

Again I apologise for my abrupt departure last night. The hospital called me with an urgent message, and I could not stay - not even for little Susie's birthday party! Although I am strictly forbidden from telling anyone that does not work at the facility anything, I feel it is my duty as your older sister to tell you some groundbreaking developments in finding a cure for the crippling disease that has struck so many unfortunate families, including ours. We are planning to try a new course of treatment to help victims survive and help us recover their memories and minds. 

The entire family was horrified when we heard the news that both Stephen and Susie had the disease. I hope I'm not bringing back too many sad memories for you, but you have been a widow for four years now. Now life is bringing you an opportunity to be able to stop mourning Stephen and help your daughter. Susie deserves to have a long and happy life, and you deserve to see all of that. The hospital is looking for people to treat; this is your chance to help your daughter. 

I wish that I could do more for you. However, this is all I can offer to help. It is free, and is perfectly safe. You can pull out at any time. I strongly urge you to take this opportunity: not for me, not for you, but for Susie's sake.

Lots of love,



P.S: We have received two new patients, both brought to the hospital. Their mothers had the disease, and died during childbirth (or so the workers that brought the two told us), but the children seem to have become immune to the disease. As we have no prior information about them, we have decided to call the girl Lela, and the boy Adrian.

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