Ch. 1

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Virgil knows there's no reason to be nervous. This wasn't highschool. They were all adults here. And Patton was there as well. But-well-y e a h he was still incredibly anxious.

"Everyone, this is Virgil!" The group founder proudly proclaimed, squeezing his shoulders in an effort to comfort him-but it only made him more aware of just how small he was. "Our newest member! Now, how about we introduce ourselves?"

"I'll go first!" This man practically leapt up from his seat to greet him. He looked a little familiar. Maybe they went to school together. He had wavy brown hair, half of it pulled back into a bun. His skin was tan and the tank top he wore did nothing to hide his tan lines. He had a few small beauty marks that Virgil could see, possibly more. "I'm Roman-" and just as he was about to shake Virgil's hand another man-who bore a striking resemblance, albeit more pale and punk-attached himself to his side.

"And I'm Remus! The obviously hotter twin." Remus had a shaggy mohawk, with a white streak. And what looked to be a tattoo of some tentacles on his scalp. He looked like Roman's polar opposite.

Huh, twins. Yeah that rang a bell. But Virgil practically blocked out everything highschool related so who's to say.


"You're kinda cute. And I'm not just saying that cuz I have a pregnancy kink or anything-"

Roman choked, face flushed red in embarrassment. "Remus you can't just assume-"

"Don't be dumb, look at his shirt, numbnuts."

Virgil gave a nervous laugh, "Hah, yeah... I thought it was cute. Or, whatever." What the hell kind of father support club did he sign up for? Patton was the one who suggested it in the first place, hell, this was His club. So honestly why was he surprised?

At least he wasn't the only one looking embarrassed. Roman looked like he wanted to strangle his brother.

Virgil was pregnant, but not too far along to really be noticable. Especially not with how baggy he tended to wear his clothes.

"Is there... someone in the picture, currently?" Remus inquired, currently in a headlock. Courtesy of Roman.

"Oh, uh, no-"

"Ah, the ol' pump n dump. I get that-"

"Remus." Patton warned sternly. Voice alone enough to make both twins straighten up. "Virgil, you don't have to explain anything you don't want to."

"It's fine, Pat. And uh, it's not like that." Virgil mumbled, hands fidgeting for something to do at his sides. "He uh, he passed." There was a terrible lump in his throat. Completely out of nowhere. Freak car accident on his way home from a friend's. Virgil would have gone with, but he had a headache that night.

It was silent.

For far too long.

Until a new man entered the conversation. "My condolences for your loss. I'm Janus, forgive Remus. He isn't trained."

"Barely even house trained." Remus joked, sliding on up to the long haired man. Janus bore a red birthmark over his left eye and most of that side of his face. As well as a scar that stretched from the corner of his lip almost to his temple. Certainly a face one couldn't forget. Or want to.

"I do wish you would refrain from such... jokes." And now, the final stranger. This man looked like he was running on three hours of sleep. A little haggard, but still somehow put together. His glasses were pristine, and decorated with a delicate chain with moons dangling from the ends. "I'm Logan. Now, Patton?"


"I'm going to leave now, unless there's another reason you called this meeting?"

"Oh, no-"

Welcome to the Dad ClubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora